Premium ship Executor does not provide any Premium bonuses!

Bug report: (reported by other users, not me, unverified)



What happened?

The Executor, Rank 17 Jericho ship, is not increasing any of the listed Premium bonuses:


  • +20% Credits gain
  • +50% Loyalty gain
  • +20% Free Synergy gain
  • x2 Synergy gain






I hope that all Premium bonuses on all Premium ships aren’t bugged like this.




It also costs to repair and can break.


But it can fit special modules…

1 hour ago, Flash0914 said:

But it can fit special modules…

Its only “premiumness” is the fact that it comes at max syn and can use alt mods. That’s it. XD

On 7/12/2018 at 4:18 AM, Koromac said:

The Executor, Rank 17 Jericho ship, is not increasing any of the listed Premium bonuses:

Why did you think that?

6 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Why did you think that?

I don’t think so personally. The others have said so. I am not sure if they are correct, but I trust their judgment.

6 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

Why did you think that?

We don’t need to think it. We can see it. The ship only has limited “premium” qualities. Bonuses and no repair costs are gone.

Credit bonus works:







Game logs needed for check this statement