Predator issues

I know this is supposed to be an OP alien craft that takes over whole sectors, but cmon.

And not only is it wayyy OP, but when killed, (as I have killed a few,) they drop NOTHING and only give 12 karma!!! This is madness!!

Also I got a couple of good shots of some of them, just so wimps can see them up-close:






After a half hour of hit and run tactics on a lone predator with a R15 tackler and random other players it was destroyed. It dropped an alien container with 20 artifacts. That’s better than nothing, but waaaayy to low. And as Fox said most of the times they drop nothing.


After picking up the alien container another predator joins the party and BOOOOOMMM bye bye back to hangar.

I hope we can have the special weapons soon to kill those predators more easily.

Their hitbox is also far too small. You have to ram the things before pulsars can hit them.

I killed two of them earlier on with a Crus S, which took 5 minutes to kill each of them (Constant fire of a heavy blaster + attack drones + Pulsar) only to find out that they drop nothing at all. For a ship this strong it should at least have the drop rates of a hunter!

I killed some last night and they dropped some credits. Pretty disappointed but the ship itself is awesome.

Also had a kill on one and even helped kill a few more last night, never saw a drop at all.


Their homing shots are a bit OPed imho. At first they did not seem to do much damage to my zigging and zagging Cov Ops, then all of a sudden I realized that they simply do not do much damage in-general, can’t miss regardless of my movement, and can hit me while I’m 4K+ Km away and flying at max speed (with dual Adaptives, of course).

this have been recognized and forwarded

What was forwarded? The fact they are too hard to kill, that their hitbox is faulty, that they don’t drop loot, or all of the above?

all of it



Does anyone know if the predators have a proper drop/ have been nerfed a bit?

Does anyone know if the predators have a proper drop/ have been nerfed a bit?

I’ll be able to tell ya in aboot 3 days. So you’d probably have better luck just asking the in-game community.

No drops. They still have insane health too.

There is still hope that we will be able to defeat them.

we recently beaten the defiler and predators in a invasion sector. 


Its not worth it, you get no reward, no loot and 5 karma

we recently beaten the defiler and predators in a invasion sector. 


Its not worth it, you get no reward, no loot and 5 karma

5 karma, that’s it? Whoever was wrangling numbers must have been smoking something.

we recently beaten the defiler and predators in a invasion sector. 


Its not worth it, you get no reward, no loot and 5 karma


I feel sorry for you.

One more reason to stay away from this game.

Damn, I am angry.

angry koro…ANGRY!!! SMASH!!

I feel sorry for you.

One more reason to stay away from this game.

Damn, I am angry.

Wasn’t that bad.


It was fun killin 2 defilers in 30min, normal and invasion one