Post 0.9.11 customization changes

There doesn’t seem to be a bug report -> visual sub forum, so I put it here because it says in the description “and also items available for purchase” .


I log in and the first thing I notice is that my was-sick Wakazashi type R now looks pretty ridiculous, mostly light blue.



Before 0.9.11:




Post 0.9.11: 



Wakazashi type R is my only custom painted ship, and I put light blue on it as seen in the first image, which turned into this fugly thing in the second, so it must be something related to that.


Is this a bug? Should I expect this to be reverted?

I’m not sure if this is the only ship that suffers from said patch change, hence the partly-ambiguous thread title. Feel free to post any related issues and complain about it, if there are any.



p.s. why the fudge can’t I link images from imgur all of a sudden?!

My Aura is still the same, so I think it’s only you (or maybe some other pilots) and if it’s “intended” for any reason you should get your GS back.

Slap a Type R sticker on that sucka, Phigs. It be riced up, now. Vroom Vrroom. Damn, look at them modules. Very whoa.

That’s… DAMN! How could that happen? I understand your frustation, I mean, you purchased the paintjob that you like, with real money, and out of nowhere you have an abomination :confused:

Is the aura definitely custom painted resi?


Don’t look at me modules! Got bored last night setting up my ready-for-SQ lineup and it’s somewhere in-between pve and pvp, ahaha, maybe if I cover it in enough stickers it’ll look better? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is the aura definitely custom painted resi?


Don’t look at me modules! Got bored last night setting up my ready-for-SQ lineup and it’s somewhere in-between pve and pvp, ahaha, maybe if I cover it in enough stickers it’ll look better? :stuck_out_tongue:

Take a look at the brightside: You’ll be almost invisible in the Ice Reef xD

That’s… DAMN! How could that happen? I understand your frustation, I mean, you purchased the paintjob that you like, with real money, and out of nowhere you have an abomination :confused:

I know right, dude! To top it off, this is my only custom painted ship, due to the fact that I want to see the customization feature improve first, but this ship was an exception… 

out of hundreds of ships that this could happen to, oh the devastation! :D 


Take a look at the brightside: You’ll be almost invisible in the Ice Reef xD

Hahaha! true say… and was the idea with the original design, only for every other map! xD

Is the aura definitely custom painted resi?


Don’t look at me modules! Got bored last night setting up my ready-for-SQ lineup and it’s somewhere in-between pve and pvp, ahaha, maybe if I cover it in enough stickers it’ll look better? :stuck_out_tongue:


yes, it has 3 paintings.


also my Ricasso with 3 paitings is still the same, same with anaconda-m and wolf-m, prometheus x and black swarm

Thanks dude, this helps.

Wow!, yer the changed one looks very fuggly. You should get your GS back if they change the art work like that.

Agreed! Perfect scenario would be that it would get reverted back, as from my perspective the waka type R looked very cool - imo, the only ship worth painting with the current insubstantial pallet.

However that’s like wishing I could dump gold bullions, so nerrmind. 


Can I expect a response from a dev/forum mod on the matter at least confirming whether or not this is a bug, or should I send a ticket?

Thanks, peace

The in game patch notes for 0.9.11 says “New ship colouring presets.”  It’s probably intended.


My spell checker says colour is spelled wrong, America FTW!

Alright. Can’t say I’m surprised. Thanks for pointing that out though dude.