Poll on the match making. November, 8th.

What settings do you prefer?

I have a question before choosing anything… Will this serve any purpose? Or will the results be woefully ignored, like the last 3 times this was done?

I’m fine with current settings. IMHO the only fix needed is to get rid of the punishing MM for squads, and just do like other MMO games, just match the same squads in each team.


The settings for the skill rating and WR seems fine for me. It is a good challenge for good players, and a relief for the new ones, who can learn from the veterans.


I don’t think tiers should be fixed. I have a full rank 6 purple roster, and It would be unfair to be matched ALWAYS vs other tier 2 players.


In fact, my Deimos 2 has way better firepower than my prometheus…

@ Eviscerador,


Once again, purple gear does not matter, your skill does.  Once you get out of your nandy pandy T2 and start flying against real teams, you can have all Mk5 equipment, and it will NOT help your current ideals.


Please learn to accept that everyone experienced in this game sees current matchmaking as fault, because we have experienced things many times over which do not feel right, and you are the only one that supports current system, and you just started the game.


Same was with Sabre01, who never got out of T2 and was the loudest on the forums about balance in T3, yet he never played it. You just can’t do that. You can say matchmaking is fine for T2 if you feel so, but the system as a whole, is NOT fine.


Your opinion, which I understand where you are coming from, is bent on your little experience you had in T2, and sadly it does not keep going like this as you progress. It’s a bait & switch, and believe me, at some point, you will get annoyed.

of course if you take extreme cases gear doesn’t matter. but if you are a bit more skilled than your opponent and you have mk1 while he has mk4, he’ll win although he has less skill than you.

In fact, my Deimos 2 has way better firepower than my prometheus…

Are you serious, right now?.. You’re comparing a Gunship to a sodding Command? REALLY!?



The difference is so small it’s neglible. When T5 came around and ESB was allready full blue and some purple, we played against them with our Mk1 T5s, and even some T4s, and still had a chance. It’s all about how the game is played. We won some, and we lost some. The gear did not really matter, sinergy does way more, and even tough it gave them a small advantage, and even with their higher experience we still managed to beat them at times, if we worked very well together, and not fall for their tactics and baits.  Because it is not about the gear. It never was.


If they lock the tiers again, this game will be much more fun. T1 will be T1, T3 will be T3, and so on. I would start playing every day right away if this happened. We have been there before in locked tiers. It was WAY better.


I don’t feel good flying in my T4 against T3s if it happens, and certainly dont feel good flying my T3s against T5s. This gives the game SO many reasons to get frustrated and angry because of gear discrepancy, you can never judge if it was your skill, team’s fault or whatever. It makes competitive game xxxx and pointless, because nobody has the same chances.


Same chances for everybody = same tier ships and equipment for everybody = competitive and fun environment = no rage and frustration over “they had better ships”.


And the game is fun again. Right now it is not, and you can always blame other things instead of competitive aspect of a pvp game. If you want to make this like other MMOs, where you just grind pve to get better gear and than faceroll your oponents because you have better stats by click of 3 buttons, I’m out of here.


About the matchmaking, i actually suggest 2 game modes: full random (no teams) and team based games. Solves most of the problems.

I do agree synergy is as important as gear. put a mk1 no synergy against a full mk4 full synergy and I’m pretty sure the skill needed to pull if off will be quite high (I already been in that case many time before new MM actually)

Yes, because what you lack the most at low level sinergy is energy regen, and this will very likely kill you.

Players have Spoken !

I would like to see new game modes for matchmaking, that would easily solve the problems:

  • full randoms (no teams)

  • team games


It was like that in Guild Wars… you had full random arenas, 4v4 teams, 6v6 tournament games, 8v8 pro guild vs guild games, and 12v12 alliance battles with sector control which were formed like current SCF system is (3 four-man teams against eachother with random matchmaking) and sector control exactly like here.


It was perfect and eveyone could find a metagame for himself, and it was really balanced. Also, no tiers, same equipment for everyone. Matchmaking was solved with separating the squads into different game categories. It was briliant.


It seems that what a majority of community wants here, is that 4v4 teams and 8v8 guild games being merged into sector conquest type of game mode. And keep the random games mostly for casuals. Everybody would be happy.


If I have seen a formed guild team in a 4v4 pug team games or in 12v12 pug sector games, do you think that was fun? I was like no, that is crazy, they are OP, we are just pugs. The pro players kept playing their tournaments and gvg, rarely bothering with “low standard pvp”. And everybody was happy.


Since it’s still a beta, why not try making this for a week, if you like experimenting with the new changes so much? Make a separate queue-game mode for all solo players and a queue for teams for one week, and see how it goes. (I would also suggest naming this as different game modes, like random and team arenas in GW…)

Oh god, I really wish they bring back the locked tears. Tiers. It would be like a dream come true.

Players have Spoken !

But not all. The decision will be made in accordance with full data on the polls (in-game vote, English forum poll, Russian forum poll). At the moment Second option is leading. Don’t forget to tell your friends to take part in the poll.  

Am I the only one to think that coming with first ship in rank (1,4,7,10,13) and being matched with top tier, full synergized ful purple guys with skill is far worse than T1 being matched against low skill T2 ? 


Does that means that I won’t be able to fly my first T4 ships (rank 10) except pve ?


but the playerbase has voted, I’m saddened by the decision but i’ll accept it (though I may quit if the “fighting veterans” comes back).

Am I the only one to think that coming with first ship in rank (1,4,7,10,13) and being matched with top tier, full synergized ful purple guys with skill is far worse than T1 being matched against low skill T2 ? 


Does that means that I won’t be able to fly my first T4 ships (rank 10) except pve ?


but the playerbase has voted, I’m saddened by the decision but i’ll accept it (though I may quit if the “fighting veterans” comes back).


The poll is not closed yet. It will be on for some time. At the moment option 'I’m fine with the current settings, but with improved squad matching. ’ is leading. 

We recommend to invite all of your friends to take part in this poll.

The poll is not closed yet. It will be on for some time. At the moment option 'I’m fine with the current settings, but with improved squad matching. ’ is leading. 

We recommend to invite all of your friends to take part in this poll.

 O_o currently 13 votes vs 5 in “I’m fine with the current settings, but with improved squad matching”. The other forums/polls must be the other way around.


Could we have a recap when the poll will be closed to what the other forums/poll results were ? 

I’m making this post because I heard about this poll this morning and I really really hope you decide to fix the tiers again because then I might actually play this game.


I have quite a few friends who started playing a long while back and they really liked it but all but one have given up on the game due to changes. When I ask why they stopped they all make mention of the mixed tier system. None of them want to play when they might get put in a match against tier 3 pilots and I don’t think I want to either.


I asked my friend who does still play and he said that if I did start playing we wouldn’t be able to play together because matchmaking punishes squads. That sucks. I want to be able to play with friends and yes I do want strong players to come fly tier 1 with me so that it’ll be easier. I want that because it’s easier to learn the game when you have someone to show you what to do.


Fixed tiers would be good for this game because it gives you lots of benefits:

  • It protects players from high level ships. If my friends want to fly tier 2 they can and they won’t face tier 3.

  • It gives you clear goals to aim for. If I get rank 3 (is it 3?) ships then I know I’ve got the best ships in the tier and I can fly those to get better and save up for tier 2 without feeling like I’m being farmed.

  • It lets me fly with friends. I don’t want to fly against ships I can’t kill just because I’m with friends.

  • Im told that corps are pointless now because nobody flies in squads in higher tiers and that if you brought back fixed tiers people would want to fly in squads again. That sounds like a good idea to me because otherwise what’s the point of corps?

  • Again I’m told a lot of ships later on really suck and my friend thinks its because the ships have to be balanced to fight lower tier ships. If tiers were fixed you wouldn’t have to do that so you wouldnt have to have sucky ships right?


I don’t understand why you have mixed tiers in the first place. This game sounded really cool but whatever you did you drove all my friends away. Looks to me like it was mixing tiers that did it.


I know mixed tiers is the most popular option right now but that doesn’t mean its what’s best for the game. People who like the current system probably never played with fixed tiers or don’t fly with friends or something so they don’t see why its needed. And my friend who still plays says a lot of people rush to tier 5 now instead of learning to play so I think that’d be harder to do with fixed tiers right?


Anyway that’s me done. I hope you make the right choice and fix tiers so that my friends will want to play again. Then I can start as well.

It seems that what a majority of community wants here, is that 4v4 teams and 8v8 guild games being merged into sector conquest type of game mode. And keep the random games mostly for casuals. Everybody would be happy.

That’s probably accurate with one difference, people who want to play with their friends and introduce them to the game.  Not every squad is trying to dominate the game.


The biggest thing I’ve seen with matchmaking is just balancing teams.  I don’t think MM should ever have the implication of “this match will be an easy win for you because your last match was a horrible loss.”  A lot of the 12v12 and 10v10 matches are moderately balanced, but not all.  The smaller matches are imbalanced too often.

 O_o currently 13 votes vs 5 in “I’m fine with the current settings, but with improved squad matching”. The other forums/polls must be the other way around.


Could we have a recap when the poll will be closed to what the other forums/poll results were ? 


We have explained it already: The poll is conducted on three platforms. In-game, On English forum, On Russian forums. All votes are being summed up. Prevailing amount of votes is concentrated in-game. If you want to have an approximate idea on the results - follow an in-game poll. Most of the pilots are there. 

We cannot limit the poll to forums only - as there are lot less pilots than in-game. 

@ Eviscerador,


Once again, purple gear does not matter, your skill does.  Once you get out of your nandy pandy T2 and start flying against real teams, you can have all Mk5 equipment, and it will NOT help your current ideals.


Please learn to accept that everyone experienced in this game sees current matchmaking as fault, because we have experienced things many times over which do not feel right, and you are the only one that supports current system, and you just started the game.


Same was with Sabre01, who never got out of T2 and was the loudest on the forums about balance in T3, yet he never played it. You just can’t do that. You can say matchmaking is fine for T2 if you feel so, but the system as a whole, is NOT fine.


Your opinion, which I understand where you are coming from, is bent on your little experience you had in T2, and sadly it does not keep going like this as you progress. It’s a bait & switch, and believe me, at some point, you will get annoyed.

Maybe you forgot to read that I have full T2 purple roster, but I’m not playing in T2… I have also full T3 roster (Phobos, Swarm, Prometheus, Templar S (grinding creds for the Crus right now), and I have been matched in Tier 4 games.


So far I’m doing fine.


Locking tiers would be unfair. Top rank in tier with top modules will just have unfair advantage, and bottom rank in tier with stock modules will have unfair disadvantage. You need to mix tiers to give equal opportunities to anyone.


I must admit that maybe Tier 1 should be locked, but just T1.