Poll on new feature: Artifacts

Imagine how easy it would be to farm and mine asteroids. We would have everything MkV by the time the game is released :smiley:


I love your sarcasm :)wt

Talking about advertisement, gotta love the fact that Gaijin released new content for WarThunder and made the headline of Steam for the whole week-end…

I love your sarcasm :)wt


Sadly it’s not sarcasm but pretty accurate predictions.

I find it interesting that in game the vote is pretty high for liking the stuff. Not everyone is good at game design it seems so, having some nice bauble to go for is a good addition for them  :good:



But there is another problem that people overlook. Player Retention rate. With out players staying past T2, the population will be the same regardless if there is advertisement or not. 



Players will stay more if they learn to fly the ship. No one wants to enter into a game and lose every single time.


Thus tutorials. The lack of guidance given when i first downloaded this game pushed me away. The only reason why i’m playing today was because i was extremely bored with my old game. Not everybody will come back and put forth the effort to learn as I have.


Players will stay more if they learn to fly the ship. No one wants to enter into a game and lose every single time.


Thus tutorials. The lack of guidance given when i first downloaded this game pushed me away. The only reason why i’m playing today was because i was extremely bored with my old game. Not everybody will come back and put forth the effort to learn as I have.


Thanks for sharing that. I was naturally good at any vehicular or space games so I understood the fundamentals of the game really quick. But your experience speaks volumes. With out a proper Tutorial for basic things, including the workings of modules, players will get lost, lose interest or even get frustrated and leave. 


We need more tutorials, not just about flying, but about everything in general. Its bad enough to make people go through the extra step and force them to go to the fourms. Even that is tough for some people. 




Thank you! Now I know what to look out for! 

I got to agree with you on that. 


But there is another problem that people overlook. Player Retention rate. With out players staying past T2, the population will be the same regardless if there is advertisement or not. 


The devs and players need to reach a conclusion on the path of the game. And so far, adding artifacts to a pure TDM mode is just ludicrous and an insult to the game mode and the games vision. Whats the point of squading, working together if all you got to do is get an “I win” or an “OP Artifact” to seize the victory?


I rather be punished for bad piloting, or bad positioning then knowing some lucky guy got an artifact and won. Does not promote good behoavor in game nor does it reward skill and teamwork. 

JP speaks the truth and I can prove it!

Remember when we were flying T2 with Skadoodle to help his friend learn the game? After you left we got into a TDM and finally broke our losing streak. The new guy got to see the raw killing power of a team in action - Skadoodle was calling ships and I would fly in and gauss them to hell. Well, newbie decided he wanted in and he rushed with us. We blew apart an Engi, cannoned headlong into a Guard (which we fragged), turned on ANOTHER engineer and then beat back a pair of Interceptors before retreating to heal.

The result? Well, before the rush the chat was all me and Skadoodle calling targets, confirming targets, requesting assists, etc. After our epic rush it was full of the new guy saying “Woah! Did you see what I just did!?” He loved it. He’d spent the whole night fearing frigballs and he’d just been given a taste of what it’s like to gut the things!

That’s what keeps players around. Not stupid gimmicks, not “pay to skip grind”, and sure as hell not promises that we’ll have really cool content “at some point”. What keeps players around is showing them the might of teamwork and how amazing the game is when you get together with friends, knuckle down and master the art of ruining people’s day.


Cheers. They are not indicated on the map/HUD, are they? At least I never noticed them so far but I didn’t go looking for them either.

Thanks. I still haven’t seen them. I don’t like the idea anyway. It defeats the purpose.



And Also Efefay and JP are right on. I would not be around either if I was not so hard headed and willing to struggle through things until I figure them out.

It can be very frustrating in the beginning.

And making friends is a tough thing to do in this game. There is no real “Community Features” built into the game. No separate chat rooms. No rooms to talk to GMs when you have a question. No real “Helpful” things to make playing this game more fun and less time consuming to learn and play. Heck you cant even copy paste or put links in chat!


I was fortunate enough to join a clan, back then called the “Stoned Assassins”, where there were 2 players that saw my talent and signed me aboard. They actually took the time and explained to me how to play the game, how to work as a team, and really push my limits. Granted I got to T3 in less then 2 weeks. 


But that experience is very rare, and as the game is now, you can barely get good info with out PMing someone or asking a vague question and getting 20 different answers on the forums 

I have a question about the artifacts.


Do they have set time spawns and locations? as in one of the maps that I encounter quite a bit in T2, there is always the invulnerability one floating almost in the dead centre of the map. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not.



And JP, that is true. Most players won’t learn unless taught (like myself, who was fortunate enough to be taught the basics by Wolfkhan). And I don’t know if this is true or not but… I heard there are some formation flying squads out there somewhere. I’d like to learn how to do that someday.

they are put in set locations. i believe once you get one it takes a certain number of seconds. I just run to get it then head to the next location and wait. of course i shoot while waiting

The artifacts are really hard to notice - unless you know where they spawn. In which case, they’re the easiest thing to notice. If there were some sort of randomization of location, and an easier way to spot them, then it’d be fine. Well, maybe if there were a time to pick up, like an EMP  bomb, to make it more fair for both teams. But yes.