What do you like about the new map Abandoned Outpost?
I like the large scale, lots of open space. Lots of killing…
I’ve voted for all three on here, but in game I voted for my favourite; it’s sheer size.
large size + beacons = strategy
I don’t mean to play devil’s advocate here, but I would like to see more close quarters maps like the Ice Reef sector. I love chasing enemies or losing them through the narrow passageways. It adds a really fun piloting experience to the game. Maybe the next close quarters map could be inside a giant, decayed, abandoned space station/ship (I know stuff doesn’t decay in space, but still… it would look cool). I’m not saying the whole map should be close quarters, but definitely have 50 - 70 percent of the volume be CC. How sweet would that be?
I think what I like about this map is that running away is an option for everyone, not just the interceptors / engi warp gaters. You can run through a warpgate and be safe from enemy fire, and your chaser might not pursue so recklessly if doing so could put him right into the teeth of an unavoidable ambush…
@ [Edizzlefoshizzle](< base_url >/index.php?/user/242003-edizzlefoshizzle/)
me too but not the entire playing area like reef. ideal map for me is a large open space one with clusters of race-thru terrain near or around beacons. and beacons very far apart like in abandoned.
The scale of the map allows for some interesting scenarios. Many times I have thought a beacon to be empty, only to take a warp gate and come face to face with a wall of frigates.
It also spreads out the effects of buffs and heals. Teams have to really be coordinated to keep everyone safe and hold those beacons. I think it’s fantastic.
The scale of the map allows for some interesting scenarios. Many times I have thought a beacon to be empty, only to take a warp gate and come face to face with a wall of frigates.
You need to TAB the map more!
lol, I love the new map.
You need to TAB the map more!
lol, I love the new map.
Pft, JP. Who do you think I am? xD
Map won’t show those sneaky buggers that are out of sensor range. >:[
I also love playing carousel on that map. So many beacon capture points.
This is good step in the right direction of the “huge map” size. The ability to disengage with the warp gates because you were the first one at a beacon is really nice. I would have really like to see one of the beacons on top or below of the buildings though. Because at the moment the highest elevation beacon is B then A then C being the lowest. Also could you fixed the “static deaths” of flying through the warp gates at a wrong angle…
I flew through the dead center of the static warp gate, and it didnt activate 3 times in a row.
Also, i know that the static gates send you a little left and right so that you dont crash into teammates and such, but… the left one going from B to C, could you remove the rock from the end, I hit it every 3rd time I go through it in a frigate.
Is there an option to say what we don’t like?
The static warps don’t always work
If two ships enter…only 1 leaves. Or none. And the wreckage can thus kill anyone going into the warp afterwards. This can potentially decide a match at the beginning if too many players crash =/.
Sometimes the static warp kills you when you’re trying to fly into it and it warps you into the edge of the gate
Strategy wise, I’ve had a few very frustrating games where it was obvious team mates didn’t know the map and either didn’t understand english or didn’t care. Basically took the warp to the middle of the map and sat there. Then, when they finally made it to a beacon (w/o using any other warps) they never used the warps between the gates. It wasn’t obvious to me until I played it a few times/had squad mates explain it to me…but I don’t know if there’s a better way to include instructions?
Having a spawn point not be near ‘any’ of the objectives can make it tough for new people to know/understand what to do aside from go pew pew.
I do greatly enjoy the map and look forward to new ones
Aint it possible to vote 2 times now?
I voted in the game and now here… somehow this looks kind of wrong to me.
A vote should be unique, or?
Kind regards,
The threads in this subforum are meant for discussions on the in-game polls. The poll you see at the top is a reiteration. Vote however way you wish. :]
easier to win with a squad that works together on a map like this
easier to win with a squad that works together on a map like this
This is a NASA secret, SHHH.
But beacon C and B are the ones you want to focus your DEF on.