Please tell me first person view is in or is planned.

Please, or this whole game is wasted…

It could be that you will have cockpit view in the future, but without this game is far away from being wasted;)

I’ve got to agree with Error on this one, and maybe even take it a step farther. A first person view in a space dog-fighting sim seems…unhelpful. A cockpit view might be bearable, but even with that you have serious drawbacks that make it worse than real-world dogfights. For example, you can’t easily look around in a sim (until we get decent VR headsets anyway).

It could be that you will have cockpit view in the future, but without this game is far away from being wasted;)

I agree this game is great the way it is. As far as view goes anyways…

I’ve got to agree with Error on this one, and maybe even take it a step farther. A first person view in a space dog-fighting sim seems…unhelpful. A cockpit view might be bearable, but even with that you have serious drawbacks that make it worse than real-world dogfights. For example, you can’t easily look around in a sim (until we get decent VR headsets anyway).

If you were to be in first person view. Your view would be as slow as your ship turns, and the turret facing target reticule would also be the same speed. So you would encounter a turret speed reduction.

no nosecam or at least cockpit view are a deal breaker to me. just my 50 cents

It would be immersive to have a cockpit view. Maybe larger ships could have players man the turrets.