Please, remove censorship "Pending Approval" status on this Forum!

I think that we did just fine without pending approvals for some threads that were newly created, unless warranted.

We already accepted “Terms of use”, with the registration of the Account when it was created. Why is this additional feature necessary?

Is there a need to censor someone’s opinion, especially, if it’s in accordance with the law or agreement described in “Terms of use”?

I understand that using this service is a privilege and not a right by itself, but such enforced method is actually too severe and it needs to get addressed appropriately.

Only some of us get this warning. If you are seeing this it is because a mod put restrictions on your account.

16 minutes ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

Only some of us get this warning. If you are seeing this it is because a mod put restrictions on your account.

or when you post in suggestion section…

1 hour ago, MightyHoot said:

or when you post in suggestion section…

That’s a new one for me, but then again I rarely post topics because my ideas dont appeal to anyone.