Please nerf aliens in invasion

Invasion mode is unplayable at this time.


Invasion mode supposed to be grinding for credits and loot, and have fun doing so.


  • the devs nerfed loot values and make aliens appear everywhere and make them much stronger making it unplayable


  • biomorphs -> Ok

  • hunters -> more or less Ok

  • scouts -> waaaaaaaaaay to strong (2 or more and you’ re dead)

  • predators -> to strong and agro is much to high and shoot balls to fast (no chance of survival if you encounter this one)




Good day! thank you for the opinion. We are working on technology of fighting with aliens but they are supposed to be strong and challenging. Personally I would recommend you for now fighting with them in squads. In my opinion there’s more fun))

Good day! thank you for the opinion. We are working on technology of fighting with aliens but they are supposed to be strong and challenging. Personally I would recommend you for now fighting with them in squads. In my opinion there’s more fun))

I agree with that, BUT, (and this is a big BUT) I don’t think it is good for newb1es that they can find 4 scout squads in a rank 4 sector, which can take down a purple fitted Inquisitor if you don’t have full EM tank.


Scouts are very challenging to fight against, more than biomorphs and hunters. Either remove then from starter sectors or tone them down in such sectors (as the bios in rank 1 sectors are tonned down)


I have found some complains in the chat about the alien power in low rank sectors.


I don’t think the aliens in rank 7 and 10 sectors have to be reworked. They are fine as they are now.

Many people in invasion mode are flying solo  (like me, I don’t have the time to play in squads).

It’s easier to fight against aliens if you are in a group or if there are more players in that sector, but most of the times I’m whole alone against fierce aliens.

Good day! thank you for the opinion. We are working on technology of fighting with aliens but they are supposed to be strong and challenging. Personally I would recommend you for now fighting with them in squads. In my opinion there’s more fun))

This reinforces my idea that you aren’t actually paying close attention to how people are playing Invasion.


I have always been of the opinion that Invasion is a single player mode, and the fact that there are no automatic squads, no instant grouping, that you can’t reliably move squads around, the fact missions apply to lone players only, no loot sharing and so on all point to it being primarily a single player mode.

It’s also clear that no real consideration has been given to the idea of single player flight in Invasion, because as mentioned above even in low rank sectors players in well-equipped T5 ships can become overwhelmed. Frankly, I don’t see how it is possible for a typical T3 pilot to survive in a rank 4 sector, let alone a rank 7.


It would be really interesting to get some polls on this, and try to get a wider view and compare how the Dev team thinks Invasion is meant to work, versus how the player base is using it.

I may go a bit off-topic here, but nevertheless…

Since we are discussing Invasion mode, I would like to add some of my own points.



Invasion mode should have alternative game modes, which are exclusive to Invasion only, but every mission or side errand, if you will, should not be meant for 1 player. Some errands should require a group (2) or even a wing (8) players, at least.

Even in a group on the same server, you can appear on different instance after the warp jump. The logic behind this is really hard to understand and this game promotes MMO stand, which is false.

Invasion should have never had happened in such poor state and hastened state.

I really don’t understand, why the developers started this mode, if they knew, or were aware about technical limitations of the game’s engine and limited server capabilities.

I do not think that it’s even possible to have 2 full wings in one sector. And now the game is almost 3,6 years old, but already outdated, when it comes to capabilites, since it was never intended to be the main project, more like a test run.


In my own experience, Invasion mode wasn’t really necesary, but since it’s here now, we do not get any control of the Dreadnoughts themselves, which is a 2nd major downside.

It is AI operated (bot), like in any other PVE mode, which defeats the purpose of any solid experience imo. You cannot interact with it in any way, not even in Custom matches.

Dreadnought battle is hardly anything more, than an eye-candy, than anything else and since we cannot choose between the old and the new SQ model, this is a turn for the worse.

I would still prefer to have a choice between Dreadnought battles and old Sector Conquest battles. Both would still keep old players, since a lot of players are not contempt with the new model for SQ.


Invasion gameplay is uninventive, boring and repetitve, not to mention that it becomes tedious over time, no matter the effort. I think that people would only play Invasion, if they would get at least some gold for each task on a daily basis, as an aditional reward. Luckily, we have an event, but I am sure that this event is just some exclusive event and not permanent practise.


I won’t lie. Invasion could be so much better, with many, many little improvements, but since the game’s engine is so old and limited and the resources are put in SC are most likely scarce, I am not sure that it’s even possible, to do a massive overhaul of the whole Invasion system. Looting system is pretty limited and poorly designed, there is no mining or transport carrying. There is a lot that could have been done to vastly improve it, even with all existing limitations.


Many Veteran pilots don’t touch Invasion.

I play it for the sole reason - Monocrystals and even that I am only playing, because I still have have a Premium license. Once it expires, I won’t buy neither a Premium license, nor Monocrystals.

I also play it, because of blueprints, but if you won’t change that in the future, you will create the opposite effect. All blueprints must become buyable. If some are meant to be exclusive, just change the currency, instead of credits.


For example, some rank 7 sectors are more dangerous thank rank 10 sectors and they have Station Protection on (Research Center) and some others.

I do not get developers reasoning behind it. If someone is in T3 ship and it will go to Federation - Research Station, there is no way, that it can complete some difficult task alone, like Kill a Predator or Hunter, because there are so many Aliens swarmed together, not to mention other similar sectors, which gave lower danger levels than 10.


In my opinion, there should be more Danger Sectors/Categories! Danger categories should not restrict player from entering that sector, but they should warn it!


Rank 1 - very low danger              (aliens are nerfed to the ground, (10%) matches rank 1-3 ships)

Rank 4- low danger                      (aliens are slighty better, (25%) matches rank 4-6 ships)

Rank 7 - medium danger             (aliens are performing at medium (50%) overall efficiency, matches rank 7-9 ships)

Rank 10 - highly dangerous        (aliens are performing at  high or (75%) overall efficiency, matches rank 10 - 12 ships)

Rank 13 - extremely dangerous  (aliens are performing at maximum efficiency, (100%) overall efficiency, matches rank 13 - 15 ships and Secret Projects)


Unknown Space should always be considered to be rank 13 (T5), which is extremely dangerous, with additional 25% efficiency boost to Aliens, because it fits their own environment, which turns them into killing machines.

You would need to remove every restriction on any ship could warp anywhere, so if very low profile ships kills an enemy, karma levels would need to be dramatically increased, such as a reward, etc…



My main enjoyment comes from PVP - Skirmish battles alone. The mere focus on them it would be 10 times more beneficial, than to disperse resources into multiple areas or modes.

I still have the opinion, that Monocrystals should be only used for Secret Projects and nothing else, except for Blueprints in Invasion, which are random generated - in short - luck based, if you got a Spatial Scanner.

90% of players prefer PVP modes and the sole reason why SC is so successful is this mode! It’s the only reason that I still play this game.



So, I gave you some of my thoughts on this.

For me, Invasion mode is still in Alpha stage and it lacks, many, many features.

PVP is the sole reason that this game is still alive and mainly, because we have old veteran players, which are familiar with the game itself.

For me, Invasion mode is still in Alpha stage and it lacks, many, many features.

PVP is the sole reason that this game is still alive and mainly, because we have old veteran players, which are familiar with the game itself.


I don’t think that many changes are needed to improve the open world gameplay. Think about it, what makes open viable?

  • being able to roam arouns freely, solo or with your friends - done
  • interesting places - good enough , from what I have seen so far (barely scratched rank 7) the regions themselves are fine, but the region hardlock really needs to go away; if I want to ignore all warnings and go into dangerous places, I should be able to do so.
  • reasons to be out there - abysmal. Currently there is no reason to undock except for the event. There is nothing interesting to find, and the mobs will instagib you anyway.

So I think all it needs to get a basic open world that works fine is the removal of the “you are not allowed to enter” signs everywhere, and of course a better placement/adjustment of the NPC ships so that common players (>90% of people play solo or in small groups) can actually do something without getting pulverized everywhere.

This reinforces my idea that you aren’t actually paying close attention to how people are playing Invasion.


I have always been of the opinion that Invasion is a single player mode, and the fact that there are no automatic squads, no instant grouping, that you can’t reliably move squads around, the fact missions apply to lone players only, no loot sharing and so on all point to it being primarily a single player mode.

It’s also clear that no real consideration has been given to the idea of single player flight in Invasion, because as mentioned above even in low rank sectors players in well-equipped T5 ships can become overwhelmed. Frankly, I don’t see how it is possible for a typical T3 pilot to survive in a rank 4 sector, let alone a rank 7.


It would be really interesting to get some polls on this, and try to get a wider view and compare how the Dev team thinks Invasion is meant to work, versus how the player base is using it.

I love to be able to go and play with 0 seconds queue wait (just undock and you are ready), be able to choose any ship i want with the setup i want (excellent for testing), without having any score affecting my profile (not like PVP), without having to rely on teammates who oftenly suck, where winning or loosing is only a result of my performance and not other players, where i can go anywhere and stay as long as i want doing multiple tasks, find good loot from time to time, etc.

If you ask all those players with negative karma, they will hardly say its a solo game xD

BTW the idea of placing PVE into open space seems amazing (3 game modes splitting the player base aint good).


Also, invasion could be a nice instance of massive PVP if there would be some way to respawn on certain maps other than using duplicators (something free, or close to it), adding objects/events that forces battles (alien tech blueprints is the closest, but its not very good for it)…there are plenty of things that can improve invasion, the mode itself is great; why Eve online had so much success? I come from AOL (Ace online), wich is a game based purely on open space, and it does great, its a really fun game to play.

Why nerf stuff?


buff our resits and dmg!

especially on gunships and lrfs!  :012j:

Why nerf stuff?


but our reists and dmg!

especially on gunships and lrfs!  :012j:





"but our reists and dmg!

especially on gunships and lrfs!"

Is that correctly written? i dont understand what you mean with it.

"but our reists and dmg!

especially on gunships and lrfs!"

Is that correctly written? i dont understand what you mean with it.



Why nerf stuff?


buff our resits and dmg!

especially on gunships and lrfs!  :012j:


