Please listen to user responses.

Pls do not force your own gamesstyle or your idea of balance.

Listen to user responses for gods sake.


I log in after every single patch to test the changes and i keep finding this game getting worse with every single patch.

Patches are meant to improve things but this game gets worse. 


I cant even stand to complete a single match and i rage quit because i had very high hopes for this game.


here are some key factors that needs fixing if you want to make this game playable ( pls mark i am not even saying enjoyable. It is not even playable at current state let alone enjoyable )


  1. Healing !!!


How come you didnt make any change to healing after all those comments and videos proving how ridicilous they are ??? Dont you hear any of the user comments at all ???


Remove the damn healing modules permanently … You need aiming to deal dmg but healing is free requiring no targeting . moreover healing modules out heals the dmg. Dont you even wonder why people keep spamming nukes ? I tell you why … It is the only means to outdmg the fcking heals !!!.


  1. When healing is more then the possible dmg improving hull or shield amounts is irrelevant. I can stand with half the amount of shield or hull amounts when the possible heal is more then the dmg. Stop making changes that has no effect at all.


  1. Limit weapon aiming reticle movement to certain angle of the ships direction . Mobility of big ships should limit their targeting capabilities . With free camera and ability to target anywhere mobility is not a factor at all … They can target anywhere with no blank spot as effectively as an interceptor if you know how.


4.Remove modules that requires no skill at all that uses AI to deal dmg or repair targets. This is a shooter game and every aspect of the game should be skill based.


  1. Give back the old afterburner speeds. Speed is the main survival skill of an interceptor. Improving 25% shield and hull would not even balance 10% decrease in speed for an inty.


  1. If you cant see the wisdom of these changes stop making new games !!!

For one Healing was never a problem in T3. If you watched the video the person provided when he “connected for damage” at maximum range he was only doing 138 damage. 


Your number 2 is irrelevant. If you looked after the patch Remote shield was nerfed by 19 sec at MK3. So now it is at 49 sec at instead of 30. That is what is giving the 1400 shields per second for 4 seconds.


Third complaint that you have is very easy the guns on a ship can rotate but only certain guns will hit depending on placement of the guns and if you are on the left side, behind, or right side of a ship resulting in less damage taken or giving out.


  1. They have modules in the game that do certain things if your still complaining about healing then refer to 1 and 2.


  1. interceptors are now faster even though the Cheeta 2 nerf because they increased the base line speed of them.


  1.  If you could think for a multiple of seconds you would see that the only thing wrong with this patch is the  Camera View.


if you haven’t played in T3 for and extended period of time I could see how the healing portion could be frustrating because you feel that its unfair that the target you were trying to shoot just gets healed to full. There is a greater learning curve once you thought you knew what you were doing in T2. The game opens up in T3 and the ability to build the ship to how you play is available. But you have to think this is a team game a lot of the time your not gonna be going 1v1 and getting tons of kills your going to need the assistance of you group members to take someone down. T3 and T4’s main purpose is to promote team play that is why you see squads at the top every game.


If you have any questions in game my name is ZeroCool. 

For one Healing was never a problem in T3. If you watched the video the person provided when he “connected for damage” at maximum range he was only doing 138 damage. 



That was my video and I was not the only one shooting, it was 4 frigates.

  1. Healing !!!


How come you didnt make any change to healing after all those comments and videos proving how ridicilous they are ??? Dont you hear any of the user comments at all ???


Remove the damn healing modules permanently … You need aiming to deal dmg but healing is free requiring no targeting . moreover healing modules out heals the dmg. Dont you even wonder why people keep spamming nukes ? I tell you why … It is the only means to outdmg the fcking heals !!!.


  1. When healing is more then the possible dmg improving hull or shield amounts is irrelevant. I can stand with half the amount of shield or hull amounts when the possible heal is more then the dmg. Stop making changes that has no effect at all.


  1. Limit weapon aiming reticle movement to certain angle of the ships direction . Mobility of big ships should limit their targeting capabilities . With free camera and ability to target anywhere mobility is not a factor at all … They can target anywhere with no blank spot as effectively as an interceptor if you know how.


4.Remove modules that requires no skill at all that uses AI to deal dmg or repair targets. This is a shooter game and every aspect of the game should be skill based.


  1. Give back the old afterburner speeds. Speed is the main survival skill of an interceptor. Improving 25% shield and hull would not even balance 10% decrease in speed for an inty.


  1. If you cant see the wisdom of these changes stop making new games !!!


You talk about strategy and skill, lets use those to answer your post.


  1. Healing. - Kill the engineers first, they cant heal when they are dead.


  1. See #1


  1. A ship obstructs its on shots, so typically when you use strategy and attack from the back, they cant hit you, or from the side you get 2-3 guns depending on ship, rather than all 4.


  1. The modules are set up that way to prevent lack of tactics being able to win by just zerging the enemy… it makes you think before you act… (In some cases it does, in other cases… people just die a lot which is funny)


  1. Base speed was improved, and the afterburners scaled down so that you still have some speed when your afterburners are disabled. My t2 inty was 490 before the patch with the speed implant, now… its 513 without the speed implant… my t3 inty was already 700, but now i can remove 2 of the mods that boost speed and its still 700.


  1. Something must be there, in order to see it. Otherwise its just ones imagination. The consensus is that this patch was a good patch, as there’s only 1-2 people complaining about it, the last patch wasn’t horrible, but a lot of people complained due to how much change there was, which turned out wasn’t that bad in the end.


It all comes down to the old saying

You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cant please everyone all the time, its just impossible to do.