Please add Loyalty gain to all Open Space missions

I miss contracts.  They were simple.  They were mostly passive.  They were good.  My permanent Loyalty gain from the DLC I bought years ago seems nearly useless without contracts.  At least if you do a contract for 4000, you could see you’d be getting 4400.


I think all Open Space missions should have Loyalty gain to them.  The loyalty gain should increase based on number of jumps away from the home station …increments by 250 or so.  So a mission in Ice Pits might give you 250 Loyalty.  A mission in Service Shop would give you 500 Loyalty.  Either it could alternate which faction you receive or you could choose.



I already asked for this several times in the past. Sadly, it won’t happen.

Why not Loyalty gain in OP is needed, to upgrade. If you do not want to do missions you get nothing to promote op. Open Space needs  more promotion. 

Drops from killed npc are way to frequent. Have yet to see one.

On 4/21/2018 at 4:10 PM, Crunch6 said:

Why not Loyalty gain in OP is needed, to upgrade. If you do not want to do missions you get nothing to promote op. Open Space needs  more promotion. 

Drops from killed npc are way to frequent. Have yet to see one.

I assume you mean ‘too infrequent.’


I’ve gotten maybe a dozen drops.  I like how they are better drops but at least have them drop credits from time to time instead.

16 minutes ago, Phalnax811 said:

I’ve gotten maybe a dozen drops.  I like how they are better drops but at least have them drop credits from time to time instead.


+1 to that. Don’t like spending 1 hour farming in open space and ending with 20-50k  credits :C

An possible way to make OS more “usefull” at it´s current state would maybe some more changes to the system then currently have happened.


Due the possibilty to now jump directly via Iridium usage some missions are not more as tedious as they where before cus you can skip a whole bunch of jumps without increasing costs (what still not solves the Iridium situation though considering the constand need of it for all the crates and stuff).


However a possibly way to bring even more use to OS would be to gain next to Synergy some Credits and Loyality for each kill next to the drops where RNGesus is playing heavily around. Currently OS only use (for me at least) is to search for the BPs that are only obtainable there next to some missions where the payoff is way to low.


As example we take the Jericho faction here:

If you leave the Hangar you can choose for what faction you fly for during your travel. So if you fly for the Techs you gain Tech vouchers/kill for Raid you gain Raid vouchers/kill (same counts for the other factions aside from Elydium that will come a bit later here).


Now comes the pricequestion for everyone (cus i still haven´t quite thought it through so ideas/suggestions/etc. are welcome) how much vouchers should be gained/kill? At 1st i had the idea the further you are away from the faction hangar the more vouchers you get but that would put certain factions into disatvantage considering that the “furthest” faction is the Empire with 36 jumps from start to the last jump followed by Jericho with 35 jump and leaving the Federation with 17 or 24 jumps.


So another idea then is to let increase every x jump locations until an cap as been reached but again can result into another problem that certain areas are way easier then others in terms of enemy ships/zone and in terms of the strenght they have. So at the current point i came to conclusion that maybe the way to solve it would be to give 5-10 vouchers/kill no matter where you are and/or how far are you away from the station. In terms of the Credits i would leave here something around 100-250 credits/kill.


Well now the factor Ellydium comes into place cus it´s basicly an faction on it´s own i would suggest here the introduce of Elly Vouchers (it gives only 1 sort) that can be exchanged for Elly recources that are required to upgrade the Elly ships. Sure i might no hit the ones who have farmed the crap out of the containers and stuff from the hourly mission but again it´s just an suggestion for a possible way to make the upgrade a bit less “rndm” until you get the needed item to make 1 more upgrade.


And aside from that the question is if the devs even consider this idea to implement or if it´s like many other ideas from the community is something they read/laugh and forget about.