Playing Star Conflict shuts my PC down randomly.

Reinstalled Star Conflict yesterday and was playing it just fine no issue on max settings, then after an hour or two my PC just randomly shut down, it didn’t hang or lag it just totally shut itself down. Restarted the PC got back into game and PC shut down again on hitting the “login” button, restarted PC and tried several times more and every time the PC would shut down in short order but each time I would be in Star Conflict but either logging in or roaming space or at the end of a pvp match when loading the station screen.


Have since tried the “Verify integrity of game cache” option in Steam, then tried uninstalling from Steam, then reinstalling and finally uninstalling from Steam and reinstalling via Arc launcher just to see if it was some issue with Steam.


All to no avail the game is still causing my PC to just shut down randomly with no apparent pattern or trigger.


This is only occurring with Star Conflict and is NOT a result of overheating or PSU issues, every other game I play I play at max settings and barely go above 50 degrees on the GPU as the five fans I have going in the case manage the temperature nicely.


I’ve found no specific action procs the issue, as it has occurred from hitting the “login” button all the way up to being in a pvp match.


i7 processor, 6gb ram, GTX 650, fibre optic broadband connection, my rig runs Elite Dangerous on max settings just fine, along with War Thunder, LoL, Neverwinter Nights, and a host of other games on max settings without issue or high heat.


Thank you in advance for your consideration.






[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9007)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9008)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9009)

[chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9010)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9011)

You’ve got a big i7 under the hood, make sure it’s getting enough air, i don’t know what logs mean all too much but overheating is a possibility. I suggest grabbing OCCT to take a look at your temps. Are you using the stock cooler?

Yeah… the temps. I am running on 90 oC just fine. :fed006: Stock fan ofc.

Yeah… the temps. I am running on 90 oC just fine. :fed006: Stock fan ofc.

not thread hijacking but ouch… 90c…

Try to enable vsync after every game started.

Whatever the issue is it is definitely not a heat issue, all my other games such as Elite Dangerous and Firefall (to name but two) are running on max settings 60+ fps and barely reaching 50 degrees and none of them have every cause the PC to just instantly shut down.


Hell Star Conflict is sometimes shutting my PC down at the login screen before any rendering (and thus heat generation) has taken place.


Really stumped as can’t even get into options screen to enable vsync at the moment…


Also using MFI Afterburner with optimised fan settings, currently not overclocking, also using speedfan for case/cpu fan control, and again max heat around 50 degrees.

Tell me, are you using Gaijin’s Launcher or Steam’s Star Conflict (linked account)?

Did you download the launcher from the Official source, like from this website?

It could be some virus in it. Very strange.

Through Steam at first then I uninstalled and reinstalled via ARC just to see if it was a Steam issue, but had exactly the same issues.


Currently editing the config file and trying out different things to see if its a graphical complication…

Please also check your Windows OS logs.

Yup one of the first thing I checked was the even logs for windows, nothing apparently relevant registering just some errors with Nvidia experience software in regards to streaming, which I din’t use anyway. Certainly nothing flagging up critical that would indicate a reason for random shut down, of course because the PC is just switching off I doubt there is an opportunity to register an entry…

Did you enable vsync in the game settings?

Sadly even by editing the config file out of the game, the game is still shutting down the PC at the login screen withint 1-2 seconds, so no time to even confirm editing the config file has taken effect on the settings let alone on correcting whatever the issue ie :frowning:


I think tomorrow might be reset pc with clean OS install then reinstal everything… and see if hours of updates and downloads will correct this issue,…just wanna shoot stuff up in space!

Sadly even by editing the config file out of the game, the game is still shutting down the PC at the login screen withint 1-2 seconds, so no time to even confirm editing the config file has taken effect on the settings let alone on correcting whatever the issue ie :frowning:


I think tomorrow might be reset pc with clean OS install then reinstal everything… and see if hours of updates and downloads will correct this issue,…just wanna shoot stuff up in space!

I think this may be the best solution. Even if it feels weird that only this game does that, it is a clear symptom that something is not going well, and you have some conflicts.


If you said you switched from ATI card to Nvidia card, maybe some driver line in the registry is messing up some of the new drivers.


I’m not saying this game is perfect, but on Windows it usually runs really well.