Player-based patchnotes

I suggest that a subtopic section be addedthat is solely for players to make accurate and full patchnotes. These topics should be considered “important” by the forums and be linked in the developer patchnotes. This will erase many problems and allow players to have accurate knowledge about the topics.

Tl;dr: To the devs: if you don’t want to make full patchnotes, let us.

I suggest that a subtopic section be addedthat is solely for players to make accurate and full patchnotes. These topics should be considered “important” by the forums and be linked in the developer patchnotes. This will erase many problems and allow players to have accurate knowledge about the topics.

Tl;dr: To the devs: if you don’t want to make full patchnotes, let us.

Or implement a game mode called ‘find the changes’.

“spot the difference”

For every change between the two versions that you spot, you get an extra ship part!

Here’s one: IR pulsar no longer shows how many people are locked on to you, and can now be wasted activated without a lock.

Here’s another: Guard drone models have been reverted. They now (seem to) spawn more frequently, and are occasionally invisible on the HUD.

And another: The HUD can now be configured to display different information for each ship based on if it is allied or enemy, as well as within LOS, under mouse, and locked.

Also it seems that the Reaper spear thing is just a very small damage AoE at the tip of the spear. It deals max 300 kinetic damage every .2 seconds but sometimes seems to do little to no damage even though it is touching a ship’s model.

Imho it should deal damage based on how fast you hit the target and not simple AoE damage. But if they insist on it doing damage this way, the damage needs to be increased significantly as there’s no way in hell that anyone but a Russian going up against a destroyer will ever hit it more than for a split-second.

Also it seems that the Reaper spear thing is just a very small damage AoE at the tip of the spear. It deals max 300 kinetic damage every .2 seconds but sometimes seems to do little to no damage even though it is touching a ship’s model.

It only hits the center of the ship/building.

The reaper weapon has about 80m blast range (0 or low trigger range).

Cybers got explosion effect improved.

Some pieces of information can be missed sometimes in patchnotes. It’s not really ninja-changes, we have nothing to hide at this point. So, it’s great, when you write about it in the discussion and we can notice that :slight_smile:

Some pieces of information can be missed sometimes in patchnotes. It’s not really ninja-changes, we have nothing to hide at this point. So, it’s great, when you write about it in the discussion and we can notice that :slight_smile:

You really should chose words wisely, because the thing is that all of us know that there are changes that go into patch and kept under the radar on purpose, there has been and there will be, I am not arguing if those should or should not kept this way, but just stating the fact that this is a common practice. On other hand it feels like you guys got a mess on the development team and everybody and their mother merge stuff without verifying their own code branches or don’t check in all the changes that get merged, so whoever is responsible for tracking changes in the Main Line get screwed and stuff goes unnoticed as well.

In order to fix misses, you guys should start reviewing your merging process :wink:

this is a common practice.

You right, but in this particular case, things happened different. Like with HUD implementations, for example. That’s what I mean.

Also it seems that the Reaper spear thing is just a very small damage AoE at the tip of the spear. It deals max 300 kinetic damage every .2 seconds but sometimes seems to do little to no damage even though it is touching a ship’s model.

Imho it should deal damage based on how fast you hit the target and not simple AoE damage.


Yes - the damage model must be fine-tuned! But idk if speeds are all calculated relative in this game now, it seems not. Only impact of ships on to stationary objects are calculated so far. problem would be that a slow ship only touching the tip of the Raeper would explode – that would be even more strange