Plasma Web bugs

You’re probably already aware of these, but there has been no patch yet:

  • Plasma web prevents you from afterburning instead of increasing damage.

  • Plasma web effect description is broken.

  • Plasma web effect is too spammy. It visually impairs your ability to aim and acquire targets correctly, especially in combination with White Noise.

  • White Noise is just broken now, removing all targets for 15 secs is like an insta-win button, and you can’t slot/slap Proton Walls on everything.



12 hours ago, betatrash said:

You’re probably already aware of these, but there has been no patch yet:

  • Plasma web prevents you from afterburning instead of increasing damage.

I will check it out and make a proper bug report ![:006:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006.png “:006:”).

  • Plasma web effect description is broken.

Pls be more precise.

  • Plasma web effect is too spammy. It visually impairs your ability to aim and acquire targets correctly, especially in combination with White Noise.

No bug, a lot of effects are over the top and makes it harder to aim (e.g. Eclipse Launcher).

  • White Noise is just broken now, removing all targets for 15 secs is like an insta-win button, and you can’t slot/slap Proton Walls on everything.

Intended, if you think it is OP you can open a topic in the Balancing Discussion section