
add planets. so we can little by little into it penetrate its atmosphere and reach superfice to find where alins , pirates, players. regions where estaram played with ores in floor. aliens and human structures in space and still segindo the conseitos my utimo post open space be opened and can move from one sector to another traveling in space. this planet a sector would have to be 3 to 4 x higher than normal. taking into account the possibility to travel in its atmosphere three-dimensionally .


This is far easier said than done

What he said^

Although the majority of us would love varied gameplay like this, it is highly unlikely that it will ever happen. The closest thing to this that we currently have is Naberia zones.

No, I already hate Naberia, it makes my fps drop tremendously, a planet would kill my crappy computer. 

Also, it is incredibly hard to program a planet with gravity and drag mechanics. 

10 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Naberia zones.

The correct term is the ‘Ydra’ system.

This will never come in this game. The game is a 32bit application and can’t use more than 2GB RAM. You don’t know the complexity to program a map like that, do you know if the  graphics engine can support map like 4 times bigger, if it can’t they need a new one and if they do one like that maybe it wasn’t for StarConflict but for StarConflict2.

1 hour ago, Wolwolf said:

This will never come in this game. The game is a 32bit application and can’t use more than 2GB RAM. You don’t know the complexity to program a map like that, do you know if the  graphics engine can support map like 4 times bigger, if it can’t they need a new one and if they do one like that maybe it wasn’t for StarConflict but for StarConflict2.


do not need to be very complex perhaps as I’m saying, and fose only one sector that was a planet niberia complex not account he practically a piece of asteroid cooped I say a planet even with vegetation or rocky that is something that can enter and say it is a planet


if I did not like so much of this game I was not here posting my ideas to make it better


On 03.07.2016 at 3:09 AM, OmegaFighter said:

This is far easier said than done

It’s really huge amount of work, kind of like developing the whole new game. SC Team prefers to keep focusing on improving current gameplay expirience for now. Like PvP, PvE missions, OS exploring, but no plans for planets’ surfaces in the near future.

Step by step I would say. They will have enough of work to implement my suggestion missions and other things already suggested for OS. And planets itself are boring. What do you want of it? You got nothing new compared to what you can have in space itself.

because you guys do not also use the idea of pve and opem space with race so like I said ?!

2 hours ago, KillerSkull_Mk said:

because you guys do not also use the idea of pve and opem space with race so like I said ?!

Maybe devs will put a race mission in OS. Who knows? It has been suggested more than once, but keep in mind some improvements cost other ideas and bug fixes to be delayed because of limited resources. Let devs choose wisely.

Oh I could imagine a race. Either first of all or time limited.
But would this so lovely? Just to race/avoid obstacles?
Maybe as a part of something else(either a chain-mission or 2-part mission)?

and another creating crowded sectors of asteroids many, many to spend almost relando the ships entire sectors of asteroids with free space only in the portals a real maze besides a super fun map would be ideal to run even if you do not add race add one stor thus breaking a twig

I’m somewhat against the idea of planets because it kinda doesn’t fit in this game, it’s like CSGO in space, would you add race cars in CSGO?

22 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I’m somewhat against the idea of planets because it kinda doesn’t fit in this game, it’s like CSGO in space, would you add race cars in CSGO?

We will not make landing and stuff don’t worry) But planets are good as an object for interaction ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

I would rather like bigger maps and elements in it to discover than planets, but that’s okay too.

Yeah I’d agree that physically landing on a planet takes a LOT of dev time and doesn’t really fit the game.


HOWEVER,  I REALLY REALLY WANT MORE naberia type maps where we do see land and rocks and regular earth like terrian.  Would make an awesome gameplay experience. 

Not landing on planets, just a docking thing maybe