Pirhana vs Tiger.

They are basically equal. but you can have 2 iridium heatsinks on Tiger-M.


On pirhana, the synergy lvl bonus gives you specific increased ability in Railguns. is that unfair? i mean one weapon type, ion emitters is mostly used, together with singularity. Tiger-M wins totally. everything is fairly equal, a bit more speed on pirhana and 500 survival. but less damage. 


Its a lvl 14 ship, that should have better Synergy lvl bonuses! compared to a lvl 11 wich has space for more heatsinks aswell as increased damage by 18 precent. compared to 8 precent… I was only asking if maybe the synergy level 8 was changed to something else wich does not prefer to a single weapon.


tier 5 costs more but give you the equal things. its just slightly difference in damage on weapons. other than that its nothing. just double the prices and vouchers including Artifacts. 


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Compare Grey Falcon with Eagle-M. Than you know whats a bad T5 ship!


Also there are still some hidden stats and bonuses… The Piranha handles “stiff” compared to the Tiger… in that case Im happy about the bonus, because its not a good ship for bubbles, also the Railgun bonuses are quite good.  


All in all it feels like that T5s trade stats for better/more Implants. Point in Case: Grizzly-M is the best ship of the whole Fed-Healer line… at least stat and bonus-wise.  

Piranha has more survivability, more implants and better bonuses. Heatsinks aren’t as important as you think

And faster.

Why would you use Heatsinks on a Gunship anyway?


First of all, weapon bonuses are awesome, they make that single ship dominant with that type of weapon in the whole tier (See Wolf, Kris AE, Nodachi A, Panther…). Adding spread reduction and projectile speed on a gunship is as good (I would say better) than any other bonus. You just make Gauss Cannon and Railguns even more deadly.


The Piranha also has reloading time reduction. Combined with Rapidus III, you can almost perma Overdrive, Overcharge etc because of the cooldown. It’s also faster and has 1 more Hull slot, what makes it harder to kill.

Compare Grey Falcon with Eagle-M. Than you know whats a bad T5 ship!


Also there are still some hidden stats and bonuses… The Piranha handles “stiff” compared to the Tiger… in that case Im happy about the bonus, because its not a good ship for bubbles, also the Railgun bonuses are quite good.  


All in all it feels like that T5s trade stats for better/more Implants. Point in Case: Grizzly-M is the best ship of the whole Fed-Healer line… at least stat and bonus-wise.  

yes and its tier 4. just like tiger -.-

Given that T4 and T5 are the same tier as far as matchmaking goes, I would like to see that reflected in ship stats.

T4 ships should, in my opinion, be good all-round choices. T5 ships should be specialised; strong when built to fill their niche, but otherwise weak.

For example, the Apollo (R13 Emp Gunship) could have +15% to +20% dmg with Ions, whereas the Argonaut (R12 Emp Gunship) might have a flat +10% dmg. The result is the Argo would beat the Apollo if both had rails, singularity, etc. but the Apollo wins if both have Ion.

These changes need not be purely damage based - Minotaurs seem to out-tank Nagas, but Nagas seem to be better for healing.

This focus on specialisation vs generalisation also allows for the progression curve to be rewarding without screwing lower levels over. For example, the Lightbringer should be slightly stronger than the Apollo, but it should take more effort to apply that strength than it does to apply the strength boost from Apollo to Argo.

In lamen’s terms, you should need to work twice as hard to get a 10% power boost.

Why would anyone do that you ask? Because in the endgame +10% power wins games. The best pilots will push themselves to master these ships, yet the power curve means a T4 should still have a fighting chance against a T5, and in fact for mediocre pilots they would actually do better by NOT advancing beyond T4.

Given that T4 and T5 are the same tier as far as matchmaking goes, I would like to see that reflected in ship stats.

Translated: These are temporary measures to reduce queue time and let people have at least some games, instead of keeping them in queue forever

I don’t think they will do “temporary” balance changes

LOL, if T4 and T5 are the same tiers, why do we have a tier 4, and a tier 5, why dont transform it all in a big, 6 ranked tier 4? Oh, the implants… rights… another way for T5’s favored team to farm easily newcomers to T4.