Pirate Baron pays tax from the first four routes!



The Broker raised a lot of noise among the mercenaries and now the Baron has the obvious question — who is worthy of performing his daily mission ‘Trade route protection’?


In order to confirm the status of a decent fighter you need to be in the top four challenger teams during the closing of the last game window on July 31.


Owners of trade routes teams will get access to the mission ‘Protection of trade routes’.


  • Objective: Win 2 battles in SCL .
  • Reward: 2 monocrystals and 10,000 loyalty points from a random faction (excluding bonuses and premium licenses) .


After the first distribution of trade routes, rankings for challenger teams will be reset.


Attention! If Baron finds that you are unable to protect the trade routes, he will stop issuing the task. To avoid this, teams need to win at least 5 battles in SCL games a week.

[Discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31080-scl-barons-elite-discussion/)