Piranha - B2 and other federation gunships sucks

Everyone know Piranha - B2 is the worst T5 ship. I looked at it’s parameters, and this ship has got too slow side and rear speed - same as tanky empire gunships. It needs buff.

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same rank empire vs fed fighter…


And there… 3m/s less reverse speed, 26m/s more strafe, same roll-pitch, 68m/s more fw speed, 81m/s more afterburner speed… more energy regen, less afterburner energy use. nearly doubles energy reserves

Because its outclassed by Thar’ga it doesnt mean its weak. It’s speed makes it perfect for bubbles. Yes, it’s squishy, but you don’t worry about damage if you can’t get hit.

It’s not designed to be long-range.

13 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

It’s not designed to be long-range.

he didnt mean that… ship agile enough to avoid bullets…

i’m not a fighter main but that ship have better stats on speed and energy. and more engine modifier slot

Piranha-B is a great ship. Unfortunately it has been rendered irrelevant now by Thar’ga.

Isn’t Thar’Ga supposed to receive insane amounts of collision damage? Since you can’t use the compensator, yet you can use 9c, you would trade some speed in exchange for extra chances to tank a crash, depends on your playstyle after all, you will need increased situational awareness, or just fight in the open like the wimp you are for using kinetic controls and uranium shells on Thar’Kth.

1 hour ago, millanbel said:

Piranha-B is a great ship. Unfortunately it has been rendered irrelevant now by Thar’ga.

Thug’Ra recovers faster than a Mafioso shot 12 times by 4 guys.

Full heal for each enemy killed within 1km? Rinse, repeat?

I played the b2 with rails on rof build, i had insane fun and scores but it does require some form of skilled gameplay to suit its stats.

12 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I played the b2 with rails on rof build, i had insane fun and scores but it does require some form of skilled gameplay to suit its stats.

I mean it’s still a gunship and hasn’t been nerfed, so you’ll get good scores, but you could get even better scores using thar’ga, that’s all I’m saying. Have you noticed barely anyone flies spark anymore? And that used to be the go-to borderline OP gunship…

The other difficulty is that tacklers have been buffed to counter ellydium ships, but this makes it harder for federation gunships as well, and they don’t have the survivability of thar’ga (proper survivability I mean, taking into account dodging and escape capability).

For a start, all the ellydium ships should have been launched at the same time. Maybe ellydium tackler is the perfect counter to thar’ga and there was no need to buff other faction tackler modules? I dunno… It just doesn’t seem very logical, except from a cash-grabbing hype-train point of view.

I don’t want to derail the topic but i just can’t join the hype train. It has been now a few months and i still havent played any elly ship, they should have featured just a different mechanic, thats all, should not have been godlike superior to every and any ship class. I can’t support such a thing, not even for simple OS sessions and all this public test for taikin and yet nothing really changed much and even got several damage buffs as well… I’m going for the mjolnir rather than tharga, it’s way more fun and decent for me.

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

should not have been godlike superior to every and any ship class

Dude, I can shoot Thug’Ra all day on an inty and not kill it… Especially if there are engineers around. No such problem with any other gunship, It’s like an ECM with greater DPS than a gunship, with survivability +100% than anything in-class. Ridiculous, but supposedly, there are no plans to ‘balance’ Dart/Gargoyle, so probably no such plans here either. It’s just a cash shop now, any grand idea goes as long as it makes money at this point, I suppose. The end of an empire.

3 hours ago, betatrash said:

Full heal for each enemy killed within 1km? Rinse, repeat?

That is not how it works

12 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

That is not how it works

As long as you can kill an enemy every 30 secs, that’s how it works (it has 2 such skills). It also heals while dealing AoE damage, heals 100% of damage done (add energy converter for broken mess), etc… It’s over-loaded with 4-5 heals. Add an engineer or command like a Dart and they are nearly unkillable. Not to mention they get damage skills and buffs beyond what a standard gunship does, superior maneuverability, etc… They’re literally unstoppable in packs.

ECM disables don’t even work on half their abilities because they’re not flagged as ‘active abilities’. Neither do they work on energy converter.

Gunship with heals, survivability, maneuverability, superior DPS, ECM immobilize, auto-damage, AoE, etc…

1 hour ago, betatrash said:

As long as you can kill an enemy every 30 secs, that’s how it works (it has 2 such skills). It also heals while dealing AoE damage, heals 100% of damage done (add energy converter for broken mess), etc… It’s over-loaded with 4-5 heals. Add an engineer or command like a Dart and they are nearly unkillable. Not to mention they get damage skills and buffs beyond what a standard gunship does, superior maneuverability, etc… They’re literally unstoppable in packs.

ECM disables don’t even work on half their abilities because they’re not flagged as ‘active abilities’. Neither do they work on energy converter.

Gunship with heals, survivability, maneuverability, superior DPS, ECM immobilize, auto-damage, AoE, etc…


Or you know, you actually get a Thar’Ga and then tell us how it really is.

8 hours ago, WiseAlert said:

he didnt mean that… ship agile enough to avoid bullets…

i’m not a fighter main but that ship have better stats on speed and energy. and more engine modifier slot

Avoid bullets? On this ship?

This was a really powerful ship with a very high skill ceiling, here’s a video by the player who I thought played this ship best: 


But why all playing singularity on it when it has got bonus to kinetic weapons?

1 minute ago, AKmatiAK said:

But why all playing singularity on it when it has got bonus to kinetic weapons?

Because it works better with singularities.

Before the only Kinetic weapons available to Fighters were Gauss and Assault Railguns, these 2 are positioning weapons, but federation gunships are all about close range and the only close range gunship weapon that we used to have is bubbles. Now there is singularities and Thark’th (which is kinetic) and Thark’th works really good on Piranha too

I’ll try.