
I play US. i have 5 games in a row now playing with non English players with 20 ping and my ping is always at 250+ its not my end. ive tested. its putting me into EU and RU servers. this should not be happening.
its nie impossible to hit fast moving targets at 250 ping. is there an option i can select that will keep me from getting put into bad games like this?

edit. tried reg pve and arcade all the same result.

ERROR ANSWER so you can skip all the talk

“At the moment the devs are trying to improve this, but we have players from many different regions and this means it could take a while until each region is stable.”


thank you :) 



Only thing latency affects are unguided missiles and movement.



Only thing latency affects are unguided missiles and movement.

you must be new to computers. ping affects anything that is “server” side. WHICH includes weapons. both aiming and firing. if i click. to fire. it has to be “sent” before the weapon is fired ingame.

awww now you just look stupid. 

you must be new to computers. ping affects anything that is “server” side. WHICH includes weapons. both aiming and firing. if i click. to fire. it has to be “sent” before the weapon is fired ingame.

awww now you just look stupid. 


Regularly play with 200 ping due to randomness of xxxx servers, only thing that becomes hard is fast change in movement, got no trouble at all hitting stuff even with 200-300 ping.


So l2p mr. butthurt.

Regularly play with 200 ping due to randomness of xxxx servers, only thing that becomes hard is fast change in movement, got no trouble at all hitting stuff even with 200-300 ping.


So l2p mr. butthurt.

so what your saying is ping does not affect weapons?

Regularly play with 200 ping due to randomness of xxxx servers, only thing that becomes hard is fast change in movement, got no trouble at all hitting stuff even with 200-300 ping.

So l2p mr. butthurt.

But he has a point stig, devs made it so RU players would not be pitted against NA players. Yet this is happening.

But he has a point stig, devs made it so RU players would not be pitted against NA players. Yet this is happening.

which is why im asking if there was an option that i needed to check or was it just the MM.

so what your saying is ping does not affect weapons?


If I aim at the circle you are supposed to aim at then I hit with 300 ping every single time just like I would with a ping of 20.


Only things that I have hard time hitting with 300 ping is unguided missiles.

And like I posted above, making quick constant maneuvers is pretty hard with a high latency.

which is why im asking if there was an option that i needed to check or was it just the MM.

As far as I know this is all supposed to be done server side.

At the moment the devs are trying to improve this, but we have players from many different regions and this means it could take a while until each region is stable.

If I aim at the circle you are supposed to aim at then I hit with 300 ping every single time just like I would with a ping of 20.


Only things that I have hard time hitting with 300 ping is unguided missiles.

And like I posted above, making quick constant maneuvers is pretty hard with a high latency.

my aim is fine. my point is with 400 ping (because this number needs to be increased every post for skill creditably) doesnt matter how dead on your aim is. the weapons will be lagging behind. sure frigats no problem. shooting anything that moves fast your guns have to tracks and fire quickly to hit the target as his direction will change constantly. add in 500 ping and suddenly your shots are “aimed” well but miss frequently because they are firing behind where they were “said to fire”. thus leading to have to free aim so that when the shot is actually fired its lag has been corrected for. again i have no “problem” free aiming but i should not be put into ru and eu servers with 250+ ping frequently 

At the moment the devs are trying to improve this, but we have players from many different regions and this means it could take a while until each region is stable.

ok thank you error. :slight_smile: that answered my question.

my aim is fine. my point is with 400 ping (because this number needs to be increased every post for skill creditably) doesnt matter how dead on your aim is. the weapons will be lagging behind. sure frigats no problem. shooting anything that moves fast your guns have to tracks and fire quickly to hit the target as his direction will change constantly. add in 500 ping and suddenly your shots are “aimed” well but miss frequently because they are firing behind where they were “said to fire”. thus leading to have to free aim so that when the shot is actually fired its lag has been corrected for. again i have no “problem” free aiming but i should not be put into ru and eu servers with 250+ ping frequently 


Well I guess you can always use excuses like that for your lack of skill lol

Well I guess you can always use excuses like that for your lack of skill lol

Stig stop trolling. Ur not good at it and its irritating. Be constructive on an honest question or don’t post.

Stig stop trolling. Ur not good at it and its irritating. Be constructive on an honest question or don’t post.


I was…


At first…


Not my fault he is so butthurt! :frowning:


is there a way to turn the target predictory off? I find it distracting. 


is there a way to turn the target predictory off? I find it distracting. 

i dont think so. the game uses it for alot of things besides aiming as well though. for example if your gun is default dialed in at 4k range then shooting at 2k alot of shots would “miss” due to spred. but with the aim assist it realigns it for the 2k shot. so while it is annoying it helps alot more than just aiming.