Ping spike during battles

I’d like to ask around first…


I always run ping -t so I can track my internet connection and latency real time. I noticed that in many matches, I would experience periodical lag. It’s like every minute. When I go back to what I call my own internet tracker, the history indicates that my ping is spiking way up to thousands of milliseconds. And I say ONLY while flying during a battle. Sometimes, it gets resolve when I restart my computer. It seems as if this game client sometimes would send very big packets of data periodically that causes the periodical lag.


Does anyone else encounter this? I started to notice this not so long ago but realized that it has been happening as far as I can remember playing this game.


Need inputs. Thanks!

+1.  Same issue.

I encounter this in every online game I play. I wouldnt say this is a problem with star conflict. There are bad links within the world wide web so lag spikes happen. the only people who don’t get lag spikes are those who live very close game server. I believe the NA server is in Texas, so if you live there, you dont know how lucky you are to not have to deal with constant lag spikes.

I encounter this in every online game I play. I wouldnt say this is a problem with star conflict. There are bad links within the world wide web so lag spikes happen. the only people who don’t get lag spikes are those who live very close game server. I believe the NA server is in Texas, so if you live there, you dont know how lucky you are to not have to deal with constant lag spikes.

I don’t get NA server lag spikes, and I live in great Canadia. Even EU is very stable for me (around 100 ping) it is only RU servers where I get 150+ ping and spikes to 1 000 sometimes with huge packet losses (probably Asians servers will be even worse for me).



also above 2500 players, the game doesn’t lagg when you are in combat. but when you equip, change contracts, or other things. like sending messages, writing new MOTD for corp, kicking or promoting players. also battles if can start without putting you in the game. 


it all times out. 


oh yea, also leaving squad when it was 2800 players +, it came upp, operation leaving squad timed out, so i was basically not able to leave squad. found out you could try to log out and back in. then it somethimes vent faster. 

I never have any ping issues, unless I get matched up on Asian servers. When I play on Russian/Europe servers, my ping is around 45.

Engle, thanks for the input but I know what your trying to say. That’s indeed the normal spike in the WWW and that’s only occasional. What I’m referring to is something more distinct and noticeable. I know a thing or two about isolating the issue so I’m sure this is not that normal spike your talking about.


Mr Duck, you’re is only different because you encounter the lag while not in battle. But it’s the same in the sense that your also lagging probably because of very large packets of data being sent by the game. Or perhaps the game is having troubles processing the data to be sent out causing it to take some time.


xKostyan, you’re probably right. my ping here is 200-400ms ping with a mean average of about 350ms…


Thanks to the inputs from the rest… Always open for more inputs though…

Are we shooting for the highest ping? Here is my entry:




As far as I have been able to tell, my issue is my ISP. Pro Tip: Never go for the cheapest plan.


I recorded a custom battle with high ping, so it’s only me and the server.  For a lot of the “match” it was around four seconds of ping.  I didn’t play any matches that night.


Imagine heavy blasters’ slow barrels with four second ping.