Ping Problems ?

Lag was NEVER this bad before Ellydium. and now with all the new powers and modules its even WORSE !!!  PVP is almost unplayable in some maps .

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2    16 ms    16 ms    28 ms
  3    32 ms    32 ms    20 ms
  4    21 ms    35 ms    19 ms
  5    37 ms    35 ms    59 ms []
  6    26 ms    43 ms    42 ms []
  7    33 ms    42 ms    55 ms []
  8    39 ms    68 ms    48 ms []
  9   293 ms   288 ms   285 ms []
 10   296 ms   308 ms   301 ms []
 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 12   353 ms   348 ms   408 ms []
 13   352 ms   341 ms   327 ms []
 14   343 ms   332 ms   336 ms
 15   380 ms   343 ms   348 ms []

Trace complete.







Your results have no information about packet losses, and it is unclear where the problem is.


And there is 250 ping spike at a node 8 to 9 which I doubt have anything to do with Star Conflict

I don’t know .  I do know it wasn’t like this a year ago and half the server is having the same problem … it seem to always start in France and get worse as it hops to Russia . I screen shot this map because of the packet loss but the FPS and the ping are ok in this one … but there are times when the FPS is 17 and the ping is 600 and the packet loss is 2% … I only play one MMO at a time so I don’t know if its an internet problem that affects all MMO’s or if its the evolution of MMO’s that are taxing the limits of streaming data . but at certain times and in certain maps I just shut the game off and watch a movie as its completely unplayable . As the ping problem and most likely the packet problem start in France , sending data to the Dev’s most likely wont change anything … I personally believe that its the new game mechanics that are affecting the server in a negative way … I have seen this on other games as well … the only game I played that didn’t EVER have lag was PWI but it is the BIGGEST MMO out there and the servers are state of the art , as they charge upwards of $25,000 for a set of end game gear… but they use the money to maintain a superb server at all times …

27 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

I don’t know .  I do know it wasn’t like this a year ago and half the server is having the same problem … it seem to always start in France and get worse as it hops to Russia . I screen shot this map because of the packet loss but the FPS and the ping are ok in this one … but there are times when the FPS is 17 and the ping is 600 and the packet loss is 2% … I only play one MMO at a time so I don’t know if its an internet problem that affects all MMO’s or if its the evolution of MMO’s that are taxing the limits of streaming data . but at certain times and in certain maps I just shut the game off and watch a movie as its completely unplayable . As the ping problem and most likely the packet problem start in France , sending data to the Dev’s most likely wont change anything … I personally believe that its the new game mechanics that are affecting the server in a negative way … I have seen this on other games as well … the only game I played that didn’t EVER have lag was PWI but it is the BIGGEST MMO out there and the servers are state of the art , as they charge upwards of $25,000 for a set of end game gear… but they use the money to maintain a superb server at all times …

It is not about the quality of the server, but where those servers are and how those servers are accessed, I can bet that servers that you are playing on are located in the same place Star Conflict are located…


In your traceroute, each line is an individual piece of hardware that belongs to different corporations, with own support and maintenance, if one of them is faulty but a lot of people have to pass it in order to access some, all of them will experience the same problem. 

Another thing is that In years of me playing Star Conflict I have never seen poor network performance reducing my FPS, not once, so pardon me for being skeptical about your network making you FPS drop.

30 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Another thing is that In years of me playing Star Conflict I have never seen poor network performance reducing my FPS, not once, so pardon me for being skeptical about your network making you FPS drop.


do you live in Russia ? I have never heard a Russian complain about lag , but Americans , French , Germans , English , Italians , Spaniards , etc… etc… etc…  complain all the time

18 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:


do you live in Russia ? I have never heard a Russian complain about lag , but Americans , French , Germans , English , Italians , Spaniards , etc… etc… etc…  complain all the time

Mostly my issues are related to package routing and NOT the end server. So you are ptobaly better of blaming your ISP.


Also the routing is mostly bad from outside Russia to Russia. Which explains why Russians complain so rarely.

3 hours ago, xKostyan said:

… there is 250 ping spike at a node 8 to 9 which I doubt have anything to do with Star Conflict

its the under sea cable

1 hour ago, Original_Taz said:


do you live in Russia ? I have never heard a Russian complain about lag , but Americans , French , Germans , English , Italians , Spaniards , etc… etc… etc…  complain all the time



7 minutes ago, avarshina said:

its the under sea cable

I have ~150 ping to Ru servers from Canada, it goes under the see too