Physical memory on disc 100%

When ever i close /alt+tab the game i get 100% physical memory on disc.

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9323)[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9324)

alt+tab is hide game only, not a close game

alt+tab is hide game only, not a close game

yes it is and when i “hide game” a blue screen comes up and it says “phisical memory to disc 100%” and after some time PC crushes.

i’m 100% it’s from Star Conflict because it has never heppened to me when doing that to another program/game,pls fix it :slight_smile:

The user application wasn’t may be reason of blue screen. Look for trouble in your pc.

The user application wasn’t may be reason of blue screen. Look for trouble in your pc.

This only happens while “Hiding” Star Conflict it never happenes on another program so it’s not my PC.

I have formatted my PC,installed a new version of Windows (with licences) and i stell have this problem witch means it’s from Star Conflict.

Nightmare, if you are getting a BSOD, you need to check out the last crash dump in windows/minidumps. Unfortunately, to debug it you need some special tools and such. Send it to me and I can take a look if I can.

The problem is fixed,can a admin close this tread