Petition to remove Long Range Frigate entirely and replace it with something useful.

Longrange frigate class should be remade into Support class. The purposes of this Support Class would include: Long-range fire AND surveillance support during battle, the usual Sniping, deployment of turrets, providing some other buffs to the team(like an nano aura(or attachable nano-bot for augmenting a single ship?) that provides slower heating on weapons etc, auras that are more related to contributing to firepower of team, like a +crit% one etc. ), functioning as resupplier(you wanna have unlimited missiles? here is the deal!).

I want to keep LRFs as they are and give them a couple small boosts, actually. LRFs are already excellent support ships if used by the right pilots and make excellent Gunships with the right modules.



  • Disintegrator scaling damage with Tiers (Harpy is OP, everything else is just… terribly low).

  • HP is fine, mobility is fine, usage of Minefields is also fine.



  • Torpedos also need decent scaling with Tiers, to a similar/higher damage than the Disintegrators so they’re effective at what they do (which is to kill stuff everywhere they’re shot whilst keeping the ship itself safe from harm.

  • Torpedoes also need a defence against Guard’s Missile Defence System so they’re not shot down as easily as with regular missiles.

  • HP, mobility and Minefield spamability is fine, as well.



I realize this is a thread to remove the LRF, but I can’t stand idle whilst you people try to destroy one of the best and most balanced ships in the game.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20563-overkill-frigate-revamp/)

Disintergrator needs a little higher damage at T3. That’s all.


Torpedo will have some tweak soon, let’s wait.


Testing out my LRF in T3 and T2, they are doing fine now, just don’t spam your special module all the time, their DPS is not that good, move according to how the match is going and provide support fire (very good damage), detect early threat, keep distance while you weaken them down and call your teammate, mines and missiles are last resort.


I pissed someone in T3 with my LRF and he even took his CO out, used all his modules and PA just to kill me. I can defend myself against Inty and Fighter most of the time, unless they go closer than 2000m without being detected.


So, overall, LRF in this patch is a-ok.


Need some changes in active modules though.

my idea is to make them faster and more agile, considerably more than engys.

Also we can’t hit those small gnomes that run around with 2 guns (ints) and yet we deal alot of damage, how to make it balanced?

here is how:

instead of a shot, disintegrator would be a continuous beam that deal 2k instant damage and the rest over a certain time, the aim would have to move slower than normal so small ships can flee when their butts heat up [[or even all of the damage over time, without recharge, until you energy runs out like a big beam cannon]]


for Jericho, well, I don’t play them.

I’ve only been playing Empire LRFs for a few days now. My observations are:

  • It’s really, really, really easy. First time I jumped in I got 9 kills.
  • It’s usually very, very, very boring.
  • You instantly explode if you’re shot at.
  • Effectiveness depends less on the game mode, but more on how fast the enemy’s ships are.

E.g. I played one round of detonation, usually a ceptor-fest, but there were lots of fighters on the enemy team. Boy did they get sniped. Few people seem to pack thermal resist these days. Not afraid of plasma arc or nukes?


My obversations (outside) for torpedo frigs are:

They produce a lot of missile warnings, which is annoying. That’s it.

Imo they need a 25% speed buff then they will be in a good place.

That might just make some people actually move instead of sitting in one place for the entire game.

I’ve only been playing Empire LRFs for a few days now. My observations are:

  • It’s really, really, really easy. First time I jumped in I got 9 kills.
  • It’s usually very, very, very boring.
  • You instantly explode if you’re shot at.
  • Effectiveness depends less on the game mode, but more on how fast the enemy’s ships are.
    E.g. I played one round of detonation, usually a ceptor-fest, but there were lots of fighters on the enemy team. Boy did they get sniped. Few people seem to pack thermal resist these days. Not afraid of plasma arc or nukes?

My obversations (outside) for torpedo frigs are:

They produce a lot of missile warnings, which is annoying. That’s it.

That’s how most people thought when they first play LRF, and most will look at them differently later on (either find them fun or useless).

The veteran T2 player base has moved up to T3 now, that explains why a lot of pilots in T2 don’t know how to deal with LRF despite of piloting a Ceptor/fighter, give it more time and things will change.

With the new weapon, I now use mostly my main weapon as damage source, move around the map to provide support fire, I only use Disintergrator a few times a match, most of the time with Accel module to shoot bomber/ceptor who is too far from my reach.

Since I don’t use Disintegrator, move and observe the map all the time, I don’t have much trouble with attackers, I can spot and take down their shield at 3000+ range, if they still come, defensive modules now ready for a face-to-face fight, and I usually win, I don’t use mines unless their are too close and I’m unable to rotate my ship to catch up with them. I only get killed if there are 2+ attackers at the same time, but they are wasting their time, modules and hitpoints (due to mines), which will benefit my team a lot, and most of the time they get killed by my teammate after killing me.

Playing a LRF in T3 is fun, you have more utility to use. I finally find a good use for Pulsar module of LRF.

I’ve only been playing Empire LRFs for a few days now. My observations are:

  • It’s really, really, really easy. First time I jumped in I got 9 kills.
  • It’s usually very, very, very boring.
  • You instantly explode if you’re shot at.
  • Effectiveness depends less on the game mode, but more on how fast the enemy’s ships are.

E.g. I played one round of detonation, usually a ceptor-fest, but there were lots of fighters on the enemy team. Boy did they get sniped. Few people seem to pack thermal resist these days. Not afraid of plasma arc or nukes?


My obversations (outside) for torpedo frigs are:

They produce a lot of missile warnings, which is annoying. That’s it.

T1 empire LRF’s are quite good, because ships are slower, easier to hit, most players have terrible flight mechanics, and also they do VERY GOOD dmg compared to what they tend to do in higher tiers. The higher you move up the ship tree, the worse it becomes, to a point it’s unbearable to fly an empire LRF in T3. 


Jericho frigates are useless the moment someone bothers to take a guard frig out with the proper module. Well at least with the missile spam from this patch, you have a much higher chance to have a torpedo go through, so i guess that was an indirect buff to them. Also its much easier to hit stuff at higher tiers with it, since you can hit target behind rocks… With an empire LRF? Not so much. It takes more than 10 hits to kill a T3 guard frig, plenty of time to hide…

With my engis i get combat drones that fend off intys, also my teammates want to help me.

Guards have Pulsar, and people kinda of help you.

Long ranges have mines, completly useless unless its a CO, and nobody will bother helping you, you are mostly useless compared to an engi or vuard.

My idea:Give them auras, increased firepower to allies in a certain range, give them speed and some self defence module sonthey have a chance against intys and fighters.

That’s how most people thought when they first play LRF, and most will look at them differently later on (either find them fun or useless).

The veteran T2 player base has moved up to T3 now, that explains why a lot of pilots in T2 don’t know how to deal with LRF despite of piloting a Ceptor/fighter, give it more time and things will change.

With the new weapon, I now use mostly my main weapon as damage source, move around the map to provide support fire, I only use Disintergrator a few times a match, most of the time with Accel module to shoot bomber/ceptor who is too far from my reach.

Since I don’t use Disintegrator, move and observe the map all the time, I don’t have much trouble with attackers, I can spot and take down their shield at 3000+ range, if they still come, defensive modules now ready for a face-to-face fight, and I usually win, I don’t use mines unless their are too close and I’m unable to rotate my ship to catch up with them. I only get killed if there are 2+ attackers at the same time, but they are wasting their time, modules and hitpoints (due to mines), which will benefit my team a lot, and most of the time they get killed by my teammate after killing me.

Playing a LRF in T3 is fun, you have more utility to use. I finally find a good use for Pulsar module of LRF.

aaah good strategy… but for those pesky little recon’s who move around so fast… but still have big enough BB’s to poke through the thin skins and shields on the Empire LRF’s.

the missile barrier can’t be taken off. Imagine a beacon full of ints capturing it, then a missile comes and f them all.

I’m not saying it’s okay the way it is but that’s a fact, every weapon needs a counter weapon so balance can happen.

Something that wouldn’t have much impact and yet fix some problems is giving more agility to the LRFs so we can turn and shoot ints, and/or even adding rear weapons

aaah good strategy… but for those pesky little recon’s who move around so fast… but still have big enough BB’s to poke through the thin skins and shields on the Empire LRF’s.


You can’t be invincible, there’s always a counter for what ship you are using. Just have to accept that.

And that’s why you have three ships to choose from, or four.  Better luck next time can be the same match.

Whatever, if someone decide to pick a specific ship just to kill a LRF all the time, he just takes out 1 ship of each team, nothing else. A LRF is a good target to kill if you are using the right ship and have nothing to do, but never the a target that you have to sacrifice a ship for to achieve objectives.

I was meaning, if your LRF fails against your opponent, don’t choose LRF next time.  You can’t tune pre-battle, but you can have spares.

I don’t think anyone would want go all the way to a LRF from objectives (I sit 5~7k range from objectives), take the risk of being focused, have to fight with a Empire frigate with defensive modules, and mine, and attacked by his teammates (most of my attackers don’t survive, and few succeeded in killing me, that’s what I’ve been experiencing so far).


But yea, adaption is always necessary.

In all honesty I think Long Range frigates should be mostly left as is, with one exception (I almost shudder to say it) Increase the projectile speed considerably.  The lasers are a bit too easy to dodge.  When not even interceptors are comfortable walking out in the open anymore, we’re in business.  

Missile long range I will agree is pretty much busted broken.  I can get easily get 5-10 kills per match using an interceptor, fighter, or heck even a guard frigate.  But with a missile frigate the kills are rarer and much slower, I can only average 2 or 3, and even then I will frequently die.  If there is even 1 guard frigate in play with a missile shield you can pretty much count your special as useless, and that’s okay, but it’s almost too easy to counter.


It might be beneficial to let the long range players essentially act as spotters too, highlighting enemies and maybe even activating mild debuffs on them from very long range.   But overall because of the massive shortcomings, it is a class I have never really played.


Currently one of the best long range fighters I have used is actually a guard frigate equipped with long range lasers and buffed for every kind of range boost imaginable.  It can do about 1500+ damage at 8700m.  If someone gets too close, there’s a pulsar and torpedos to take care of things.  It’s just odd to me that the long range frigate isn’t even superior at the role it was designed for.

most of my attackers don’t survive, and few succeeded in killing me, that’s what I’ve been experiencing so far

I think I can explain that: Nobody expects someone with actual shooting skills to sit in a LRF.

E.g. covops come at me in a straight line, just to be met by a fully charged positron cannon.