The game needs one and for some reason after all this time doesn’t have one. I’ve had these weird crashes where it will “disconnect” me from a battle in such a way where the “rejoin battle” popup does not pop up. There needs to be a permanent button beside the launch button just for these cases.
This kind of thing is starting to get really annoying.
The game exiting no longer counts as “disconnection”, so the only way to get the return to battle pop up is to actually have a network issue or to unplug your internet.
33 minutes ago, RennieAshII said:
The game exiting no longer counts as “disconnection”, so the only way to get the return to battle pop up is to actually have a network issue or to unplug your internet.
That’s almost as dumb as LRF’s in a beacon match.
- from me
Yeah, also + from me. Especially since I have a broken ram sector in my graphics card, so very few times I have to restart games on purpose - which did not happen in SC yet much, but it happens in games that use more RAM.
Trying to prevent abuse like this is a repeated mistake they do. The whole change in that system was really unnecessary. However what should I say, other games ban you for a network disconnect, sometimes, so there are always examples of games doing it even worse.
Funny however, the abuse was always self caused as well: most likely, people disconnect on purpose for not becoming captain, and there were events, where you had to farm gazillions of PvE enemies, and they put in some maximum number to farm per game session (bad! never hinder farm like this!), which was however a local counter (lol), so people reconnected in the same PvE game over and over to reach the number for the mission, without having to play 5 of them. In both accounts, they failed to see, that the fault is using such methods, being almost text-book cases of poor game design on these issues.
And the captain thing would be easily solvable with an opt-out / opt-in system, and that mode should not come 1000 times a day anyway, with hotjoin queues.
+1 from me as well. Leave the battle is not acceptable except in case of technical/connection issues. If you can get back to the game, you are ready to continue your fight. No reason to leave your mates in trouble. If you are out of ship support them by watching the game. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)