Perfect Ship Lineup


All the cool kids are doing it, that means I should too right?

If there was an upvote button in the mobile version of this forum I’d push it.

Ditch the Mauler. Then you have the ultimate T5 roster.

The only thing that would make your lineup better is if your Mauler was an Inquisitor AE that was unsynergized and unequipped. (Also if you sold all the ships leading up to the Inq-AE) And make sure you never fly the Inquisitor AE, only fly the Axe, Lynx, or Hercules

That’s too good to be real… 4 equipped slots



All the cool kids are doing it, that means I should too right?

No, no, no. You only bring TWO ships! The other two hangar slots are for the wreckage after both are blown up.