


Worth building? I think this may be my first SP ship.

Worth building? I think this may be my first SP ship.

ye the “perenine” looks pretty cool. 

It is extreamely cool looking ship, the most combat animated so far, with these colapsing and tilting parts.

ye the “perenine” looks pretty cool. 


Do any other ships have these cool moving parts?

Jaguar has engines moving, but not as much.

Yep. Just confirmed Jaguar’s engines move, albeit inaccurately.

Also the Ronin’s giant sphere of doom thing moves according to your acceleration. It maintains a bit of momentum, is what it looks like they’re trying to simulate.


Using the RF blaster + supernova will give you a kinetic rocket market on objectives. Since you are a rocket ship, I think it will be worth.

Really??? I’ve never though about it!

Really??? I’ve never though about it!

Well with you I’m not sure if you are being ironic or not, but in case not, yes, Supernova RFB has a very similar projectile speed to the kinetic rockets with the speed implant, so you can use the lead marker to hit with rockets.


I think I got my second top best score with a leonina, triple pylon and RFB with supernova that infamous week of the overbuffed pylons. A rocket every 0,6 secs with 40 secs reload. AND the supernova RFB on top of that. In a ship with 3 engine slots.



The Razor sphere has moved for a long time now ;p


Edit: Oh yes, the missile pylon days, recons to the enemy captain now! Poor Styx

Edit: Oh yes, the missile pylon days, recons to the enemy captain now! Poor Styx

Or warpgate styx wiht torps

Holy crap, I didn’t realize how much it moved.  That instantly made me want this ship even more. 

Holy crap, I didn’t realize how much it moved.  That instantly made me want this ship even more.

Yeah, same thing. Originally I looked at the model, bonuses and what I could built into, and was more of a Meh not really needed or want it, and then I saw it’s animations in combat - had to make it work!

Plus so far not that many are around, I think the most common is Jaguar, everybody and their grandmother has it now. I think i have not seen as many Caltrops and Mjolnirs in this year, as how many Jaguars I saw in 1 night.

Yeah, same thing. Originally I looked at the model, bonuses and what I could built into, and was more of a Meh not really needed or want it, and then I saw it’s animations in combat - had to make it work!

Plus so far not that many are around, I think the most common is Jaguar, everybody and their grandmother has it now. I think i have not seen as many Caltrops and Mjolnirs in this year, as how many Jaguars I saw in 1 night.


I’m contributing to the Jaguar master race haha!  It performs very well and looks sweet too. Atleast I won’t be using it as a cruiser pooper or long range gravyship.


But yeah, I don’t think the Per is significantly better than the previously existing cov ops, and honestly looked quite large for an interceptor (making it easier to hit).  But seeing it move inflight makes me want it regardless haha.  There wasn’t really a hole for it to fill like the Jag did with its effects bonus (no other t5 tackler had it).

I also have jaguar :slight_smile: It is a really nice ship! It looks like an advanced fox, which is nice. And I love those huge blue engines.