Peregrine stats 10/10 synergy?

Can someone post a pic of the Peregrine’s stats at full synergy with no mods, implants and eventually no boosters please?


normal Speed should be 509


One more question, what are the numbers on energy regen and afterburner energy use with the federation R7 implant? (the one that reduces afterburner energy use)


One more question, what are the numbers on energy regen and afterburner energy use with the federation R7 implant? (the one that reduces afterburner energy use)

79pts/sec reg and 77pts/sec usage

Damn, barely energy stable :frowning:

Damn, barely energy stable :frowning:

it has the same enrgy problems like every T5 Fed cov ops

But that screenshot is with implants,you need to use 500k credits for reimplantation and take ss and than put your implants