
I’m done, I’ve uninstalled, good luck, I’m off to go play other games. 





Good luck, ArcTic!

Don’t forget to write your Steam review about Star Conflict!

GG developers, another good player gone. I’m wondering how many are left.


Anyway, if they reintroduce squads, will you come back? 

GG developers, another good player gone. I’m wondering how many are left.


Anyway, if they reintroduce squads, will you come back? 

Probably not. Devs have already shown themselves to not care about the players, they have ruined SC for me permanently. 



Review changed to negative. 


Star Conflict was fun previously, but it is not longer fun. Developers ignore players, remove teamwork, and remove the need for skill. US players will have 200+ ping regularly and often will have packet loss. I have 4 DLCs, over 7k battles, and over 2k hours in this game and I uninstalled because it just isn’t fun.

Probably not. Devs have already shown themselves to not care about the players, they have ruined SC for me permanently. 

Very well then, good luck in other games and real life 



Isn’t this the second time you have quit?

Good luck, ArcTic!


It was fun flying with and against you.


What’s happening with Radix ?  Put the right person leading it, could be a monster NA corp.  Someone needs to show NASA they can’t always win.  :)

Another one bites the dust,they will be taking us down one by one and finally when nothing will be left they will fully focus on the russian side,it’s just a matter of time for the English community to vanish into the void.Its a cruel and inevitable fate.Who will be their next target?Noone knows.

Yo man i will miss u somehow 

Please re-upload your video but with some sad music playing :–

I guess I’ll have to put away my ECM ships now… *sigh*

Please re-upload your video but with some sad music playing



ArcTic leaving, and it is May 9, I think it is a sign!


Plus we have heard that before… might as well making a list of all the people…

NOOOOOO!!! :008j:   …I need someone else to test my ships now. Any volunteers?

What’s happening with Radix ?  Put the right person leading it, could be a monster NA corp.  Someone needs to show NASA they can’t always win.  :)

Was talking to enterprise about merging into nasa actually, but i changed my mind and actually advised ShapeShifter (current CEO) not to because I have seen how some NASAs behave and I have higher hopes for the corporation I founded. It’s up to him though. 

Right, like Enterprise is the only one making a call

Isn’t this the second time you have quit?


I thought it was third

btw ArcTic, here, some warm feelings, I am sure you’ll miss these :wink:



Was talking to enterprise about merging into nasa actually, but i changed my mind and actually advised ShapeShifter (current CEO) not to because I have seen how some NASAs behave and I have higher hopes for the corporation I founded. It’s up to him though. 

Are some guys acting out of line? Feel free to notify me.

I thought it was third

I know, right? At Least one would think, that someone who is constantly offering his help in coding for game devs, would at least know how to properly do the versioning :slight_smile:

And I was always thinking that testers are for catching bugs before release.