Pay to win

Hi dev´s,

In my opinion you have to much Items which i can buy for Gold/Money. This game seems to me as a pay to win game.

I am a normal player and if i like a game also with a monthly payment for a License (Gain more credits + Exp ) i am willing to buy one. Like in the game “world of tanks” . That´s ok for me.

But this game here , everything i can buy for gold. Modules, Weapons, Ammo…

So I just want to say i’m not willing to play such a game with a horrible strong pay to win function. With such pay methods you will lose normal player like me.

I’m ok with almost every part of the free to play, pay to get farther aspect of this game, except for ship/items that can _ only _ be bought with gold/money.

As already mentioned this version is not the final version so there is still enough time to find the best solution for everyone.

Hi dev´s,

In my opinion you have to much Items which i can buy for Gold/Money. This game seems to me as a pay to win game.

I am a normal player and if i like a game also with a monthly payment for a License (Gain more credits + Exp ) i am willing to buy one. Like in the game “world of tanks” . That´s ok for me.

But this game here , everything i can buy for gold. Modules, Weapons, Ammo…

So I just want to say i’m not willing to play such a game with a horrible strong pay to win function. With such pay methods you will lose normal player like me.

i thought WoT have similiar stuff… like Cash Tank (similiar with cash ship here) or Cash Ammo (similiar with cash weapon here, but i think supposed we have Cash Missiles instead Cash Weapon…)

I agree, there should still be level limits even if you buy stuff with real cash. The advantage provided with these items, should also not be too big, so that they don’t bring the game out of balance.

The advantages are really small for all items. for example,gold wepons do +2 damage, shields regen with +2 hp…it’s minor. The only stuff that bothers me are some high tech items, like the Heavy Cannons. And that only a bit because in gameplay they don’t seem to be as OP as on paper (huge damage difference).

I agree, there should still be level limits even if you buy stuff with real cash. The advantage provided with these items, should also not be too big, so that they don’t bring the game out of balance.

There are level limits for the stronger gold items. Like ships etc. For tier 3 fighter for example, you can buy it with gold and it’s level requirement is -1. I think that’s perfectly fine, you pay alot of cash and you win just farming time, not performance. It’s the same with converting free xp in WoT, you pay money to advance faster.

As long as people can’t get overpowered items from level 1, it’s fine by me. The p2p players should however have a visible advantage, not too big but enough to make other people want to become p2p aswel.

im doesnt bother those cash item cause they got overpowered with stuff that have higher tier than em… only matter of those gold item is they doesnt need you do proper research for using em and i think that fair enuf…

but… this isnt final word from me… since i havent try those gold ship and we also still doesnt know what they store in black market…

im not a spender.

but this game is amazing enough to actualy be p2p.

P2W is only natural, but frankly if anything can be gained with no effort hell no.

for now weapons that cost gold are slightly better but still require certain skills.same for ships and moduls.

also its not like we have auto aims or only 1 on 1, this game is highly versitile things change fast and SKILL does matter

so for now? not p2w at all as far as i see it.

I personally think that the Gold items are perfectly fine the way they are. Yes, there are a lot of them, and yes they have better stats, but they are entirely available to all players. Each game you play, you either get 2 gold for a loss, or 15 gold for a win. Just last night i made well over 150+ gold in just 2-3 hours of play time. That is around 8 wins and 15 losses. With 150 Gold, you can buy many of the available Gold modules. In two days at 150+ Gold a day, you can buy most of the Gold weapons. In just under a week at 150+ Gold a day, you can buy yourself a T3 interceptor or a T3 Fighter.

My point being, Gold items are quite balanced. They do not give TOO much of an advantage as compared to the Credit items, and they still require the same amount of skill to use properly. A Ace with a Gold weapon will still always lose to a veteran with a Credit weapon. The Gold items are just there to make the progression through the game faster, not to make people immortal in the game. With some dedication, you can make enough gold yourself through fights to keep up with people who will pay for gold.

I’m pretty sure the gold bonus per match is only for CBT purposes at the moment.

I’m pretty sure the gold bonus per match is only for CBT purposes at the moment.

At the moment this only for closed beta, but nothing is finally. This things will be discussed during open beta.

Well, when gold be accesible only by cash, and paid players will have so many advantages, this game will loose A LOT of players.

I get tired of the wallet warrior cry babies. REAL GAME PLAYERS. What the ones who can play lots of hours a day because they do not have anything else in r.l to do? Whats wrong with someone who works and is willing to put his hard eared money into a game to support it? Whats wrong with a someone who can only play an hour a day paying to stay competitive? In my opinion time is worth way more than money so everyone should be happy they have an option to save time for money.

I get tired of the wallet warrior cry babies. REAL GAME PLAYERS. What the ones who can play lots of hours a day because they do not have anything else in r.l to do? Whats wrong with someone who works and is willing to put his hard eared money into a game to support it? Whats wrong with a someone who can only play an hour a day paying to stay competitive? In my opinion time is worth way more than money so everyone should be happy they have an option to save time for money.

I make the example.

Know World of Tanks? Sure You know.

Why the guy who has much more cash, could easily scrap the one who gives not cash but his time?

He just log on, buy some ammo that has twice (or even triple) armor penetration than standard ammo, and drives a tank with much more armor then tanks You can buy for in-game value?

It’s sick. It’s make people sick. And it’s make a lot of hatress on chat during any match with “premium” tanks on board. No matter is he driving for your, or against Your team.

Guys, please wait with the discussion until open beta.

I do understand that problem also. A happy medium can be very hard to achieve. The game needs to make money yes. Peoples time needs to be rewarded above their money. You also need to let the ones who have less time be competitive. Practice needs to make the player defined.

With that I will listen to Error and not dive to deeply into this subject and spend some time in game:)

I will close this topic for the moment and at the right time I will open it again so you can go on with the discussion.