Patches AKA How to Destroy a Game

Have you ever returned to a favourite game after a few months off, excited to get back into the action only to find it ruined by new and “awesome” content?

Well, I managed to get a friend on board for some Star Conflict and was _amazed _by some downward stupid changes once I logged back. I never couldn’t event find any records in the patch notes for those matchmaking, party making and ship progressing changes. So let me ask a few questions.

How come ship tiers don’t matter anymore?! Ar they even a thing? They were what made the game balanced, matching tier 1 with only tier 1 (rank 1-3 ships) and respectively. How is it FAIR that when Iwe are playing with my friend with rank 4 ships we get placed against people with up to rank 9? What happened to Tier 2 and matchmaking with ships of ranks only from 4 till 6? I guess the company can now boast about short quee times, hooray! What does it matter that the underpowered players you thrust into ongoing losing matches get shredded by two shots?

And what about this nonsense of a rule to have the exact same rank ship in slots as the people from your party? Again, what happened to 3 ranks per tier? Say, my friend’s highest ship is a rank 2, ok? Now, how come I can’t play a rank tree ship wit him? And why can’t we get a simple T1 vs T1 match? I’d be so simple and balanced. But no, I’m forced to specifically use a rank 2 ship in my slots. Additional stupidity points rule - as you go along higher in ship ranks there are gaps in each class which effectively restricts what you can play with your friends because of that exact rank ship rule.

Well done. I don’t know how else to express my disappointment of those obvious disbalance changes. And as if that wasn’t enough, who thought of the brilliant idea of having to OWN ships in the ship tree to get your next class of preferred ship? Why make us HAVE to play ships we don’t want to in order to unlock the ones we want? What the hell was wrong with unlocking ships through synergy alone (XP system), so we can play what we enjoy in order to unlock more of what you enjoy? Isn’t that the concept of games with a level progression system in them?

Seriously, StarConflict, ARC. genjiiii-biii-miiii or whatever you are called… WHY?!

Haha, looking at the title I thought this was going to be yet another post about Thar’Ga or destroyers.

Let’s start by pointing out that removal of tier system was one of the best things that has happened. Strict tiers made 2/3 of the ships obsolete, just because they were not the highest rank ships of their tier. It made progress of newcomers really hard, because every time they would break into new tier, they’d be in unleveled crap ships with no resources to get the modules they’d like and no chances of upgrading them anytime soon. Also, it divided players into too many little groups, resulting in long queue times.

Now you can use each module for a much wider range of ships, and module rank ranges have been spread more evenly, so you no longer run into situations where you need to buy and upgrade everything at once again. Lower rank ships of each of the new matchmaking brackets now receive significant bonuses to resistances and damage output, so there’s not much point in bickering about being in low rank ships now; you have heightened basic combat stats, but lack the extra utility of higher ranks.

There are still some annoying rank range limitations for ship lineups in place, especially for squads. Hopefully those will be gone soon.

8 hours ago, ShadowWriter said:

And as if that wasn’t enough, who thought of the brilliant idea of having to OWN ships in the ship tree to get your next class of preferred ship? Why make us HAVE to play ships we don’t want to in order to unlock the ones we want? What the hell was wrong with unlocking ships through synergy alone (XP system), so we can play what we enjoy in order to unlock more of what you enjoy? Isn’t that the concept of games with a level progression system in them?

That is called tier rushing, and it results in people without proper understanding of the game playing on ranks they shouldn’t yet play. You should get atleast some of the ships of most classes, fly them enough to understand their basics, and only then proceed further. New limitations are in place to make people actually do so.

You’re right Vohvel. - I made the error in winter %off sales to buy me r15 frigate and fighters , I hoped I would get better missions in open space and would survive longer…

Now I am stuck with r15 missions in my roster and hate them… Maybe new ship-reasearch roundel model is curing this “tier rush” sickness!

Some of these points seem valid, or at least the matchmaking one and the breaking down of tiers makes at least partial sense put that way. Technically I could see how the buffs could work - lower ranks still feel underpowered. Modules versatility is nice though.
Can’t say I agree about the ship tree system - I’ve been progressing three different classes of ships, more than enough of playing different stuff, but because they are different factions I still need stupid more random ships just to keep progressing. It’s a bloody grind, that’s what it feel like.

Thanks for the info anyways, guys. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)