Parallax/Bear: build options

Does anyone have a Parallax or a Bear, and doesn’t mind sharing the build?

Parallax: I use Empire rank 2 Implant “Oculus” to lock my targets faster and have more crit chance, + the Infrared Scanner I have 30% Crit Chance, with is not bad. Parallax has a good cooling rate bonus so Singularity Cannon fits it perfectly.

I choose Collision Compensator over Vernier Engines because the increase on the Strafe Speed. I use EB, a Shield Projector to have more shield and Adaptative Shield to increase my decent shield and hull resists.


The rest of the modules are what you feel confortable with,






Bear: Not my favourite ship but it’s still good, it has 2 CPU slots you can fill with Infrared Scanners for a crit build, it has also a crit dmg bonus, so I choose Ion so I can put Federation rank 6 Implant “Ox”, and increase the crit dmg to 120%. The crit chance is 43.6% wich is pretty good imo.


The only thing I don’t know is how Ion works with Target Painter.







Hope it helps.

Wow… that’s really quite a bit of information for me to look through and digest. I started this thread because I just maxed out my Silent Fox so I’m starting to explore potential builds for Fed tacklers. The Silent Fox has less slots and a rather generic passive bonus (module range increase), as compared to the Parallax (weapon heating) or the Bear (crit damage). While I do have a maxed out Katana AE, its completely different so I didn’t really have much to work with when it comes to outfitting a Fed tackler. 



EDIT: Tried out singularities briefly; I haven’t touched them in the longest time. Now I see how singularities, speed and the adaptive shield work together… *mindblown*

Imo the more information the better xD and if other people can share also their builds so you can compare them even better.

The only thing I don’t know is how Ion works with Target Painter.

On full heat there is like 100-200 dmg difference between target painter and not. Even more on low thermal res.

When I used ions on my Katana AE, I treated TP as a team damage buff. Now that I’m using singularities, I’m using TP as a quick reference for where my target is. After using assault rails for so long, I’m utterly not used to shooting intys at point blank range.




As for the ions + TP combo… I’m not sure how the whole bypassing of resistances work for ions. I’m assuming that the ions’ resist-bypassing stacks with TP. 

Ions don’t reduce resistances, it’s a wrong translation from russian to english, actually Ions just ignore 100 points of your enemy resistances, they would be too op if they reduced them because the whole team would do absurd amounts of damage against that target.

Ions don’t reduce resistances, it’s a wrong translation from russian to english, actually Ions just ignore 100 points of your enemy resistances, they would be too op if they reduced them because the whole team would do absurd amounts of damage against that target.


I know that the resistance-bypassing applies only to the ions. What I’m not sure of is how much resistance is actually ignored. Assuming a target has 50 thermal resistance, do ions treat the target as having zero or -50 thermal resistance (i.e. allowing ions to ignore up to a certain amount of resistance, or actually reducing the target’s resistance against the ions only)? The corrected translation of the mechanics I found on the forum isn’t entirely clear either. 


Pardon me for being so particular about language; its an occupational hazard for being a communications student.

I know that the resistance-bypassing applies only to the ions. What I’m not sure of is how much resistance is actually ignored. Assuming a target has 50 thermal resistance, do ions treat the target as having zero or -50 thermal resistance (i.e. allowing ions to ignore up to a certain amount of resistance, or actually reducing the target’s resistance against the ions only)? The corrected translation of the mechanics I found on the forum isn’t entirely clear either. 


Pardon me for being so particular about language; its an occupational hazard for being a communications student.

It will do dmg as if target has -50. You can say that final resistance ignoring part is additively stacks with target painter (so if TP is (-32) +(-100) it is -132)

That clears things up :slight_smile:

Parallax: I use Empire rank 2 Implant “Oculus” to lock my targets faster and have more crit chance, + the Infrared Scanner I have 30% Crit Chance, with is not bad. Parallax has a good cooling rate bonus so Singularity Cannon fits it perfectly.

I choose Collision Compensator over Vernier Engines because the increase on the Strafe Speed. I use EB, a Shield Projector to have more shield and Adaptative Shield to increase my decent shield and hull resists.


The rest of the modules are what you feel confortable with,






Bear: Not my favourite ship but it’s still good, it has 2 CPU slots you can fill with Infrared Scanners for a crit build, it has also a crit dmg bonus, so I choose Ion so I can put Federation rank 6 Implant “Ox”, and increase the crit dmg to 120%. The crit chance is 43.6% wich is pretty good imo.


The only thing I don’t know is how Ion works with Target Painter.







Hope it helps.

I would use vernier on a Paralax simply because you are using singularity canon and in close range inties, even while slowed still out rotate you hard, I find with singularities it is one of the most important stat.

Parallax: I use Empire rank 2 Implant “Oculus” to lock my targets faster and have more crit chance, + the Infrared Scanner I have 30% Crit Chance, with is not bad. Parallax has a good cooling rate bonus so Singularity Cannon fits it perfectly.

I choose Collision Compensator over Vernier Engines because the increase on the Strafe Speed. I use EB, a Shield Projector to have more shield and Adaptative Shield to increase my decent shield and hull resists.

The rest of the modules are what you feel confortable with,


Bear: Not my favourite ship but it’s still good, it has 2 CPU slots you can fill with Infrared Scanners for a crit build, it has also a crit dmg bonus, so I choose Ion so I can put Federation rank 6 Implant “Ox”, and increase the crit dmg to 120%. The crit chance is 43.6% wich is pretty good imo.

The only thing I don’t know is how Ion works with Target Painter.


Hope it helps.

Do you have energy problems with debuff on?

Do you have energy problems with debuff on?


Hmm as far as I remember no, parallax has x2 afterburner reduce and Bear has 1 but 1 extra energy slot to put more energy regen and energy consumption reduce. I always debuff my enemy with both Painter and antiafterburner so it consumes a high amount of energy. I can keep afterburning and debuffing at the same time.
