Paint Jobs

When you buy a pain job or one specific color for one ship, can you use that color on all the ships with the same rank?

No, most paints are one ship only, and if you replace it, they are lost!

Only color schemes that are obtaimed from event containers or dlc are applicable to all ships (except for unpaintable ones)

4 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

No, most paints are one ship only, and if you replace it, they are lost!

Wow that’s bad. I can see buying GS for a paint job for one ship only, but not having the ability to save your colors is crazy!

I’m probably gona just save my GS then.

4 hours ago, HBZK100 said:

Wow that’s bad. I can see buying GS for a paint job for one ship only, but not having the ability to save your colors is crazy!

I’m probably gona just save my GS then.

I mean it does kinda making it a special event when you paint your ship ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) I’ll always consider my styx paintjob white with a red cross on it to be the best GS investment I ever made. It’s so beautiful. (I didn’t have this idea first, but still)

8 hours ago, millanbel said:

I mean it does kinda making it a special event when you paint your ship ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) I’ll always consider my styx paintjob white with a red cross on it to be the best GS investment I ever made. It’s so beautiful. (I didn’t have this idea first, but still)

I might still paint my Invincible, but only after the next patch comes. Hopefully they allow you to save your colors.

28 minutes ago, HBZK100 said:

I might still paint my Invincible, but only after the next patch comes. Hopefully they allow you to save your colors.

I doubt that will change. It hasn’t changed since the game was launched! Also I think most people don’t mind the current system. Only improvement I would like is a colour wheel instead of the discreet number of colours we have currently.

There were some minor changes over the time but nothing special, the customization part of the game will be a pain to change, at this points its easier to reset the games economy lol