[P] My mac isn't starting the game

I’m on a mac and I meet all the system requirements but when I turn on the game from steam, it gives me a black screen like something is going to happen but instead quits and gives me a “StarConflict quit unexpectedly” warning. What should I do guys?

I did take a ticket but I’d like to see what you guys think first because the tickets take a while

I have something similar going on - I launch the game from steam and the mac os x menubar disappears from the top of the screen… but I’m still at my desktop. It just sits there until I force close it.

big mistake not rolling it back devs

They tried to fix it in the update today, my friend (who has a mac) got it to work :confused: According to him he has occasional crashing issues while it is windowed, but it runs fine while it is in fullscreen, so maybe try that if you aren’t using fullscreen? :confused:

No, can’t even get into the game anymore. It used to crash for me when launching a PVP or PVE mission, but now can’t even get the game itself to launch, just sits there in the dock with the menubar gone and never loads. I’ve submitted a bug report including the crashlogs.

No, can’t even get into the game anymore. It used to crash for me when launching a PVP or PVE mission, but now can’t even get the game itself to launch, just sits there in the dock with the menubar gone and never loads. I’ve submitted a bug report including the crashlogs.

This looks like the display settings are still pointing at a different screen - are you on a laptop that has used an external monitor at all?

Try moving the ~/Library/Application Support/StarConflict directory out of the way and restarting the game. It will forget your login prefs but might clear up the problem.  

This looks like the display settings are still pointing at a different screen - are you on a laptop that has used an external monitor at all?

Try moving the ~/Library/Application Support/StarConflict directory out of the way and restarting the game. It will forget your login prefs but might clear up the problem.  


Thanks Exodus, it’s loading now. Any idea if we are going to be compensated for the time we were not able to play?

I doubt that - this is an open beta, so no warranty implied :wink: I dunno, maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get special MacUser stickers, or iMac-style candy-coloured ships only available to Mac clients :p 

We cant fix this issue by bar guessing. We need game.log’s and also Error reports. If anyone has such an issue please fill [this](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/15572-how-to-report-client-related-bugs/) bug report pattern. With this we can do something baout it.