OWL Initiative: Monthly Best Of

Previous compilations:

hoot hoot

Nice image preview. Very classy.

krudi keeps dying in the beginning" (6 times what a Ace)  :014j:

Gizmomac keeps getting disconnected   :008j:

Im gonna laugh the rest of the night by this thanks for shareing  :005j:


Owls owls everywhere.



krudi keeps dying in the beginning" (6 times what a Ace)  :014j:

lol, to his defense, that for sure wasn’t from the same game :smiley: :smiley:

note the lovesong :smiley:

haha yeah sprite, you for sure can cut those videos :slight_smile: keep em coming.

lol, to his defense, that for sure wasn’t from the same game :smiley: :smiley:

note the lovesong :smiley:

haha yeah sprite, you for sure can cut those videos :slight_smile: keep em coming.

Also an important to note, this wouldn’t be funny, if Kurdi doesn’t be a great pilot.

Indeed indeed.

i want part 2

It will come soon :slight_smile:

The reaper… I saw the reaper in there. I swear I did!

Nice abandon ship.

xKost sees AE_Marty

“I can’t concentrate with all this bullsht”

  1. It’s great!

  2. I have to squad with you guys!

  3. stop killing FGT  :006j:

  4. I want to be in next one.  :012j:

haha i made it in again:D

xKost sees AE_Marty

“I can’t concentrate with all this bullsht”

Entersprite raging about not being able to concentrate due to the bullshit on TS?


You do know your raging is 90% of that, right?!

Best monthly video ever. 


Just because i’m in! :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t watch for some reason.

haha damn trap