Order Error

Apologies if this is in the wrong section, but I couldn’t find any sub-forum that fit this topic.


I’ve just brought galactic standards using my debit card, but the first time I did it, a blank grey box popped up with nothing in it. thinking the payment hadn’t gone through, I ordered again and the same thing happened. I gave up, went back into the game, and saw that I had paid for 5,100 standards twice.


Doe anyone know how to get the second order refunded? I haven’t used any of the standards yet, can’t really afford both lots. Anyone had any experience with this?

Please, do NOT use the forums for such things, we can not help you.

Go to the support https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us/categories/200005051-Star-Conflict

and describe your issue there in detail, they will be able to help you,

Thank you