Option to shut down a match

In the spec ops missions there are occasionally one or two players left in something like an LRF or Tackler that just refuse to die, yet a loss is inevitable. A way to manually shut down a match to prevent having to wait for the timer to expire would be very nice.

I suggest that after a player dies, they can “vote” for the match to end, and once at least 70% of the people involved vote, it is disbanded and people can get their ships back from battle.

Nah. For PvE, why not use a duplicator and help?

Specops. Not PvE. Though technically specops is a PvE.

And because of how rarely people use dupes, adding one more gun to the mix will more than likely not help.

I won’t use my duplicator when I can clearly see that we will lose. Anyways these days if I am last one alive, I kill my self as soon as I notice that I can’t do anything.


I’d love to be able to continue playing instead of waiting to see 1 - 3 guys trying to do it when I clearly see it impossible to happen. Unless RNG helps, which I don’t think it’s a thing in this game.

I agree with the suggestion. I wasted my whole set of dups trying to save the match… Now im out.

Anyhow… +1

Specops. Not PvE. Though technically specops is a PvE.

And because of how rarely people use dupes, adding one more gun to the mix will more than likely not help.


Did you change the OP? Pretty sure you said PvE too.


Anyway, I can see it working in SpecOps.

You’re hallucinating.

I’m against this.

If the team is xxxx, they deserve the waiting.

You can go out and play with other ships if you want to abort the match. Forcing the guy(s) to suicide just for the own use is false and shouldn’t even supported.

Lol. Phail logic.

If they are idiots, and won’t self-destruct, then that is simply 11-10 players that will not be seeing queue again until either they die, or time lapses. Either way, this event is a negative impact on everyone involved and even those who aren’t. Trapping players in a match that won’t get anyone anything “is false and shouldn’t even supported.”

Obviously you’ve never had this happen before.

Lol. Phail logic.

If they are idiots, and won’t self-destruct, then that is simply 11-10 players that will not be seeing queue again until either they die, or time lapses. Either way, this event is a negative impact on everyone involved and even those who aren’t. Trapping players in a match that won’t get anyone anything “is false and shouldn’t even supported.”

Obviously you’ve never had this happen before.

3 times. 1 time doing it myself.

Just abort the mission and use other ships. Or just wait. You only support botting through methods with this or even abusing methods. Being penalized is part of the lose to learn not to suck.

Second it was already said: Use dupes to revive yourself.

Being penalized is part of the lose to learn not to suck.


How can I learn not to suck when it ALWAYS put me in a Russian server with 300+ ping in Spec Ops? :slight_smile: Also just because I “died” doesn’t mean I suck, we all die and will always die, don’t act like you never died, because you died which means you suck depending on your statement.

How can I learn not to suck when it ALWAYS put me in a Russian server with 300+ ping in Spec Ops? :slight_smile: Also just because I “died” doesn’t mean I suck, we all die and will always die, don’t act like you never died, because you died which means you suck depending on your statement.

300ms are hard, but you can do it. That’s not PvP, where the reaction time is within 100ms.

Second: Then you must have a bad connection anyway if you have such a high ping to russia.

Third. Nope. Not all times I die. It can escape with <10%. And if I die, I know why. Because I sucked. And for those the penalty is okay.

And if 7+ players are to lazy to use dupes or to bad to play well, then HELL NO, they don’t deserve the ‘remove penalty’ option!

How can I learn not to suck when it ALWAYS put me in a Russian server with 300+ ping in Spec Ops? :slight_smile: Also just because I “died” doesn’t mean I suck, we all die and will always die, don’t act like you never died, because you died which means you suck depending on your statement.



300ms are hard, but you can do it. That’s not PvP, where the reaction time is within 100ms.

sometime i play in pvp with ~400 ping and 5 loss but i still find a way to do something (don’t ask me how ^^) 

I’m not going to waste duplicators on a battle that I know that is a loss. I can solo almost every PvE mission, but SpecOps is a whole new realm.

I’m not going to waste duplicators on a battle that I know that is a loss. I can solo almost every PvE mission, but SpecOps is a whole new realm.

Go out of the match and use another ship. Problem solved.

For your and all the others’ laziness there need to be a penalty.

For me, “another ship” means all my crappy standard ships that I never use but for the Gage missions. The ship tree needs a rework that’s for sure.

Don’t do spec ops with randoms

Don’t do spec ops with randoms

Amazing advice. 10/10. Would recommend.

Don’t do spec ops with randoms


Best solution to this “problem”. Well said

It’s especially applicable when there are only 10 corpses on and 5 are afk. And the other 5 are busy.