Option to remove AI from PvE

The AI in PvE does not contribute anything and more often than not just ends up staying still and doing nothing, or spinning in circles doing nothing.


They either need to be buffed CONSIDERABLY, or they need to be removed.

Yes please god.

Also at the very least have them take USEFUL SHIPS AND PLAY THE @$!# OBJECTIVE. I have seen AI spawn and go 10k straight down to the bottom of the map

I once said that we would have our own BOTs fighting vs enemy NPCs and we would just watch the AI play. Well here it is.


Imo there is no good way to make this work. The only good solution is to remove this nonsense completely.

i don’t have words to express what i think about these bots in pve now…appalling maybe ?

which way want devs for this game ?

less and less players ?

they can be reassure, they will !

2 minutes ago, SheenShade said:

i don’t have words to express what i think about these bots in pve now…appalling maybe ?

which way want devs for this game ?

less and less players ?

they can be reassure, they will !


Maybe they want to scare us back to PvP?!

you mean they want us to return in pvp ?

héhé, maybe, but at this rate, they ll put bots also in pvp : )


finally Star Confict, the only game  ONLY for bots !

too bad, bots don’t pay…

21 minutes ago, SheenShade said:


too bad, bots don’t pay…

Who knows? Maybe they do.

héhé, it could explain why they no care about players’s wishes : )

3 minutes ago, SheenShade said:

héhé, it could explain why they no care about players’s wishes : )

They do. To the wrong ones. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

ah :confused: ofc…

9 minutes ago, SheenShade said:

héhé, it could explain why they no care about players’s wishes : )

For example, everyone wished to rework the Open Space. It’s reworked now.  ![:003:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003.png “:003:”)

4 minutes ago, SuDoKu said:

For example, everyone wished to rework the Open Space. It’s reworked now.  ![:003:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003.png “:003:”)

To devs’ defense, OS’s got better… but not much.

well… yes it’s true, but… as say Sin, no much

What about the removed rank restrictions for squads? 

for pvp, it’s a disaster

15 hours ago, SINaka said:

OS’s got better…

Oh yeah! We can grind for stuffs. Linear map. So iridium needs to jump to the systems. Can’t get resources from the battles. Other good things? OK, missing aliens. 

And I read the great news that there are bots to replace players.

43 minutes ago, SuDoKu said:

Oh yeah! We can grind for stuffs. Linear map. So iridium needs to jump to the systems. Can’t get resources from the battles. Other good things? OK, missing aliens.


But at least I can see players flying by. Before OS rework I could fly through the whole map from station to station withouth seeign anyone. ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

7 minutes ago, SINaka said:

But at least I can see players flying by. Before OS rework I could fly through the whole map from station to station withouth seeign anyone.

That’s okay. But it was a fighting game that was ruined. And I think they’re not playing those who loved fighting. I’m not gonna shoot hours in the Open Space for any module or weapon. 

But we will not be confused with this.  ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)

19 hours ago, SheenShade said:

i don’t have words to express what i think about these bots in pve now…appalling maybe ?

which way want devs for this game ?

less and less players ?

they can be reassure, they will !

This reminds me of an old nightmare: 

![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)