Operation “Maintenance Training: Space Quiz”


In “Maintenance training” the Command tests your skill and knowledge! In order to survive in Precursors Sectors our pilots must have a sharp logic and knowledge about the ancient history of space conquest!

Training task : You need to answer the questions regarding Star Conflict.

Warning! Please do not post answers in discussion topic.

Answers submission and winning criteria** :** Answers are to be submitted in this form. Winners will be the first five pilots who give more correct responses, faster than anyone else.

Operation time limits : operation begins with maintenance.

Debriefing : after the maintenance.

Award distribution time:  in two hours after debriefing.

Remember, pilot, complaints will only be accepted within 4 hours after the operation. If you have any complaints, you can contact a representative of Fleet Command, call sign [Antibus](< base_url >/index.php?/user/240886-antibus/).

Rewards list:

Prize pool:

  1. 700 Galactic Standards
  2. 650 Galactic Standards
  3. 600 Galactic Standards
  4. 550 Galactic Standards
  5. 500 Galactic Standards

[Discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22076-maintenance-training-discussions/)