Open Space

So after 4 weeks,


we can see that they do not answer anymore on this thread and that’s means everything, especially when I was asking to enlighten us about the “Capabilities and restrictions”. So the statement is pretty clear : StarGen, do not care about their player base, not listening at the community and lies pretending that they are. They count on the turnover, want to use the customers has milk cow to grab the maximum of cash and that’s it.


Good job StarGen, this will help to have a good reputation of your game.

That’s pretty sad considering that I’m a member of it since 2013 and introduced it my own community that made had you more customers.


One day or another, this game will die with the arrival of real game with real company who care about the game that they provide. When you will loose everything, you will be able to blame yourself or swim in the ocean of $$$ you made and smile. But we all know what you are going to do.

I was asking to enlighten us about the “Capabilities and restrictions”. 

Free-to-play economics format and size of the dev team. Feel free to ask me in private messages if something important wasn’t answered yet.

Feel free to ask me in private messages if something important wasn’t answered yet.


The question is, did you answered to anything that we put in front of your eyes in this thread ?

And why in private, I think the subject is interesting for the whole community. You told us, this is why forum are existing right ?


So please let’s start by this and give us some input,


  • how many employees at Stargen.

  • how many developers.

  • what’s the incomes status ? (Green, orange, red ?)

  • do you know that the PvP in group is currently down and you lost a lot of old players because you removed squads

  • what are you going to introduce for making the open space fun and really usefull because right now, there is no content for corporations and missions have no real rewards and at least should be reworked.

  • did you read this statement and explains why nothing changed:

  • are you aware that we understand that a game need incomes but we will not pay for cash grab, but for real content.

  • do you understand that we are mad because of the amount of resources needed for everything because we all known that is a commercial strategy?

  • do you understand that old players should have the opportunity to get the resources that new players have to make a destroyer?

The question is, did you answered to anything that we put in front of your eyes in this thread ?

And why in private, I think the subject is interesting for the whole community. You told us, this is why forum are existing right ?


So please let’s start by this and give us some input,


  • how many employees at Stargen.

  • how many developers.

  • what’s the incomes status ? (Green, orange, red ?)

Do you understand that they are not required to give you this information? You are asking for private company information. They have ZERO obligation to tell you this information.

I skipped a lot of what Silmeriaswrote cause its mostly opinions i dont share at all. I can see how tedious it can be to read topics all the day all the week, specially those that are based on narrow views and lack of knowledge of the subject. This topic is not about making SC a better game and improving the comunication between the community and the devs, its about teaching some players (Silmerias) through fight (better word than discussion) how things are.


Something that really made noise to me: this game is not a P2W. Ive played this game for years without spending a single cent and i got all i wanted to get (except for the brokk…but im not an obsessive player so im fine). Sure check my profile, i got like 20 prem ships, GS picture and some camo applied to ships; all of that came this last 2 months thanks to my translating work in SC. All the rest (my spat scanner T4 and T5, 4 extended hulls, patriarch and 2 other prem ships, 3 Destroyers, 2 SP ships and a warehouse filled with more than 1000 monos and almost 20-20 neo-berry, plenty of mk5 T5 mods and weapons, way more mk4 equipment, etc.) was obtained by playing the game as a 100% free player and being smart on what and when to purchase stuff. The only disadvantages ive found while playing all these years have been the ping and the team (when you have bad luck with the MM), not enemy prem ships or what ever pilots spend with their real money. This is not the game where you can say: “oh, he won cause he payed”. You may not get all the prem ships and mods you want, but you can get some of them (the ones you choose) with time and effort…other games dont allow this by any mean.


If you dont agree the terms you have voluntarily agreed with, you have the option to walk away and leave.

The question is, did you answered to anything that we put in front of your eyes in this thread ?

And why in private, I think the subject is interesting for the whole community. You told us, this is why forum are existing right ?


  • do you know that the PvP in group is currently down and you lost a lot of old players because you removed squads

  • what are you going to introduce for making the open space fun and really usefull because right now, there is no content for corporations and missions have no real rewards and at least should be reworked.

  • did you read this statement and explains why nothing changed:

  • are you aware that we understand that a game need incomes but we will not pay for cash grab, but for real content.

  • do you understand that we are mad because of the amount of resources needed for everything because we all known that is a commercial strategy?

  • do you understand that old players should have the opportunity to get the resources that new players have to make a destroyer?

I’m here not to make an arguing in “-Yes, it is! -No, it isn’t!” style. It’s not productive and doesn’t help anyone. If I answered on something, this is the official statement from the company. Constructive conversation about important questions is always welcome, of course. Constructive means not only things that you personally dislike, but a possible solution for it also. Your questions:

-What about the ppl who don’t want squads? They will go if we’ll put them back as they were. We’re looking for compromises and solutions with the community here

-We have a plan for grand OS rework, you will know about it when the time will come.

-Dread battles had several changes, MM system has improved again just recently. Pools wasn’t changed though, maybe later :frowning:

For the rest, You have the game with great flight mechanics and highly variative customization system, which you can play for absolutely free in every aspect. I even say more, for those years we have created the best f2p space shooter in the world. And there’re no commercial strategies in it, only creativity and huge effort from SC team. This what is leading us further and will be.

Just to note: Q.Q is something I mostly dislike as it is 90% just emotional whine. But sometimes problems are so big, that Q.Q is required to get attention for them. -.-

>>What about the ppl who don’t want squads? They will go if we’ll put them back as they were.<<

Funny thing with it. Random people thrown together against other random people. WHY they would dislike squads? Squads are in first place less RANDOM teams.

Do those Q.Q about OP squads(aka skilled players)?

Do those Q.Q about idiots(aka unskilled players/newbies)?

Do those Q.Q just because THEY are idiots(Q.Q I have lost because they cheat/MM tricked me/their ship is OP/has other nonsense godlike modethings on) and lose?

I must state, that there is no real teamplay for PvP available.

Dread - yeah find a corp AND only to certain times.

Tournament? Only once a week.

The latter could be used to test to bring squad/full team gameplay.

>>We have a plan for grand OS rework, you will know about it when the time will come.<<

That’s something I’m really interested in. Either you suck or really improve it. ‘Time will tell’ is in such a case… not helpful. Because producing a dead birth in worst case isn’t something useful. Neither for the players nor the devs/company(as they either wasted their resources and need to abandon it or they need to further invest resources to bring it to an acceptable/good level). So throwing out such (important) content without any information(I know that some surprises are good o.o) is a huge risk.

I’m here not to make an arguing in “-Yes, it is! -No, it isn’t!” style. It’s not productive and doesn’t help anyone. If I answered on something, this is the official statement from the company. Constructive conversation about important questions is always welcome, of course. Constructive means not only things that you personally dislike, but a possible solution for it also.


Hahh… +1


It was kinda clear anyway.

i would love for open space pvp to be more organised, for example sector conquest to be done in open space where a corporation builds a station in openspace and for another corporation to take control they must attack and kill the station

Yes - very good!


Here: I suggested a Carrier-like dessy bigship as a small station or squad team play station in open space with inventory trade and exchange :


My dream Small Fighter-Carrier Destroyer:

*With this ship more secure explorations of deep space came into sight of possibility (warpgate-wormhole generator).

*It has a small scietific lab for space exploration (ore scanners, alien tech radar, etc.)

*It is a tactical vessel that can bring up to 3 interceptors or fighter crafts into every position in space, docked to it.

*Groups of 4 players can band together and go for open space invasions or ore farming or sector defence easily.

**Or one player with 3 standard AI fighter vessels.

*Inventory for open space: 4 x 12 - can be send home via on ship cargo drones.

*Inventory for trade / exchange / ppl store: two special inventory slots can be used by docked players to exchange / trade their stuff & access to the players store (storage space) and maybe to the SC-store (Bundles,Special,etc.).

*This Light Cruiser has no manually directed main weapon because it has auto-turrets. It is an defensive counter and clearly has lesser destructive power.

*It can survive in open space due to its better hull and shield repair rates.

*It is a rank 7 Destroyer-Light Cruiser, that implies it is slightly cheaper to build than other Destroyers. It has access to the limited r7 assortment of passive modules. It is very energy stable. It can not be speed up by passive modules that much and has no speed boost by an energy router, though.  

*It is harder to be killed by (EM-blade) interceptors and small fighters than suppressor-destroyers, but has less offensive fire power.

Lore: In light of the threats from aliens invading our sectors, the Jericho took the decision to enhance their deep space operation perimeter. In this way they aimed at proactive defensive measures against outer dangers from deep space.

The exobiologists, theoretical warfare analysts, and space exploration specialists stuck their heads together and co-evolved the light carrier design concept with wormhole projectors, fusion reactor, and space exploration laboratory.

First prototypes were dismissed for various reasons, but eventually the Mistral mark “28” light carrier proved to be successful and positively came through all deep space field tests. The warpgate-wormhole projector worked perfectly. Quickly, the Mistral “28” became a carrier and support platform for smaller class ships. It needs protection from its fighter group, because it has limited (mostly defensive) fire power of its own.


Or more smaller stations could be cool for all kinds of options in addition to the 3 main hangars of the factions:


(from: )


Or, maybe we could dock to one of the Dreadnaughts in open space some day?



Do you understand that they are not required to give you this information? You are asking for private company information. They have ZERO obligation to tell you this information.


Please read the entire topics before answering next time. I’m working in that sector, I perfectly know what you are pointing and from the start. But I’m not the one that start talked about Capabilities and restrictions. When you comes with this arguments when you answer you need to get some input or it’s just damage control.



I skipped a lot of what Silmeriaswrote cause its mostly opinions i dont share at all. I can see how tedious it can be to read topics all the day all the week, specially those that are based on narrow views and lack of knowledge of the subject. This topic is not about making SC a better game and improving the comunication between the community and the devs, its about teaching some players (Silmerias) through fight (better word than discussion) how things are.


Once again, read at the statement perfectly written month ago and check again about what changed and what that statement attention got. Then you’ll understand that’s there is no discussion at all and at this point I am pointing it with nervs yes but all the point is about that they did not communicated and they did every-times the “we are working on it” for a “we don’t care”.


Something that really made noise to me: this game is not a P2W. Ive played this game for years without spending a single cent and i got all i wanted to get (except for the brokk…but im not an obsessive player so im fine).


Review the term Pay 2 Win before saying anything. You are making a mistake comparing the need to pay and the pay for better. Let’s use another example: the modules upgrades can be paid with gold. So hard and long to upgrade by the normal way that players are kind of forced to pay if they want to progress. When the game was released it was perfectly balanced, you were taking reputation for every pvp match. A small amount of it yes but was suffisant to leveling smoothly. Now ? The reputation is… well hard to get nothing to compare on before, the leveling is clearly not balanced. But obviously you can pay for it (bundles).


If you dont agree the terms you have voluntarily agreed with, you have the option to walk away and leave.


Stupid argument. If I like the game because it was better before and still have potential, I do have the right to do what I do to make things move. No one can’t remove my right to say what’s wrong. 


I’m here not to make an arguing in “-Yes, it is! -No, it isn’t!” style. It’s not productive and doesn’t help anyone. If I answered on something, this is the official statement from the company. Constructive conversation about important questions is always welcome, of course. Constructive means not only things that you personally dislike, but a possible solution for it also.

You did NOT started with constructive answers at all but now I can tell that you realized it and yes it’s seems that after that answer you are really listening and that’s fine by me if we can have a real exchange and not just some random answers.


Your questions:

-What about the ppl who don’t want squads? They will go if we’ll put them back as they were. We’re looking for compromises and solutions with the community here


This thread is new, all that conversation about squads started month ago. You know it, because you answered into the original topic. Also I given you a solution that you ignored like 90% of what as been said by the community. So i’m not saying that my solution is the best one and can be used as it is right now, but since you ask my opinion, for the people who don’t want to squad up, there 2 things:


  • First: learning curve, meaning that from T1 to T2 no squads should be allowed. T3 to T5 can be available 

  • Second: all moba games as Star Conflict have squad from 3 to 5 without making it a problem because they understand that squad give advantage yes but it’s normal. If people want to be competitive then they will need to get into a corp and find out a team to squad. It’s all a normal process that you should NOT avoid. I feel you have too much pressure on random players because you fear they will leave but you are wrong. In all game it’s working then why it should not be in Star Conflict ? Give me any reasons ?


-We have a plan for grand OS rework, you will know about it when the time will come.


That’s a nice news to hear because the OS should be one of you priority since it’s a showcase of your game!


-Dread battles had several changes, MM system has improved again just recently. Pools wasn’t changed though, maybe later :frowning:


To my point of view, the dread battle should appears in the OS to be epic and not just an arena war.


For the rest, You have the game with great flight mechanics and highly variative customization system, which you can play for absolutely free in every aspect. I even say more, for those years we have created the best f2p space shooter in the world. And there’re no commercial strategies in it, only creativity and huge effort from SC team. This what is leading us further and will be.

Like I already said and since the start, the game have potential and could be a great game if you stop making it a cash grab before the real content. However when you say that there is no commercial strategy, I feel that you take me for a fool and it’s unfortunate because for once I think that you well answered on the rest. Anyway, let’s see what you are going to do in the futur, listen at your community or not.


It feels like a very small number 3-4 ppl maybe. So it actually impressive that they put out so much content. Flaws as hell, but seriously, its a lot.

I work on 3D modeling and pooping out new stuff regulary is hard xxxx… and i didnt even cover the texturing, possible programming and rigging… Its hard to work alone. So i completley understand how a small team can barely handle game as big as this. From covering the techical part, from gameplay decisions.

Cant say things are good… but really… ok i’ve seen better… but really its ok… i still facepalm very hard daily. But best i can do is hope for right choices to be made, things get tought trough. I doubt, devs would like to kill its own game by removing vets. Because after all vets are valuable resource to have… if you know how to use that.


Just my irrelevant 3.5 cents