Open Space special container

Hello, tonight I am taked special sontainer at Foul Ground, but I dont have it in mine store, why? again, I am taked special container, but didn’t get it, please help me, thanks

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | Hello, tonight I am taked special container at Foul Ground map, but didn’t get it, why? |
| What you expected to see | . |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | . |
| Problem details | . |
| Frequency of reproduction | once |
| Time of bug | 2:37 PM |





1 hour ago, SheenShade said:



8 hours ago, SheenShade said:


can you give me some solve please?

For now everyone is on vacation, the fix for this might take a while.

4 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

For now everyone is on vacation, the fix for this might take a while.

okay, thank you

sorry, thought it was a post from a mate corp who had same problem. But no !

 just said  : “it’s happen to at least 5 of my mate’s corp”…

and finally  dev reply to one of them that : “the feature was disabled due to technical difficulties”…


If we talk about “le vasseur’s tresure trove” then it was turned off by tecnical reasons

yes , this one

10 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

If we talk about “le vasseur’s tresure trove” then it was turned off by tecnical reasons

But it’s not fair, I am found it, taked it, but don’t get it… so still I wanna some solution.