Open space mission bug

Got the monocrystal daily mission just now; escort transport outpost. I canceled it, got the same mission again… That is 3 monocrystals waisted


3 th time this happened to me, always with this stupid mission.


PS: Remove this mission of the dailys, Its so dificult that its stupid, Everyone in his right mind cancels it.

That’s an easy mission, especially for a player like you.

Use some “tactics”

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That’s an easy mission

No matter how good you are there’s a very good chance aliens swoop in and two-hit your cargo. One time aliens spawned right near the cargo when it was almost at the gate


Sometimes its very easy sometimes aliens make it impossible. Also it takes very long

No matter how good you are there’s a very good chance aliens swoop in and two-hit your cargo. One time aliens spawned right near the cargo when it was almost at the gate


Sometimes its very easy sometimes aliens make it impossible. Also it takes very long

Hoh wait, he means the Vanguard Outpost…


That mission…

I generally cancel any escort missions because they are generally a waste of time due to aliens/pirates/players/etc.

I’d be pissed if I got an escort mission right on top of another escort mission as well.

Hoh wait, he means the Vanguard Outpost…


That mission…

I actually broke my old chair, when I failed for the 5th time in a row. Going solo can be very hard.

That Predator spawned 2000 meters from the final gate and killed the transport in a few hits.

Yes, cancel the mission, to get exactly the same mission again is a bad joke. At least give us the option to cancel any mission, with no limits, even if some players might go for the easiest option.

The point is to get the job done, not the missions itself.

Yes that mission is awfull, you can kill 2 predators, 10 aliens and still more spawn just before the transport reaches the gate. It very time consuming in comparison with those other missions. That why i skip it.


But my main complaint is the bug that gives you exactly the same contract after you cancel it. This is a bug, Its like ordering something else from the menu and getting the exactly the dish, making a menu totaly useless.


Their is enough info its seems, their is not much more to say about it. Its rare but it has been present for a long while now. I think almost every player in the game has come across it. The players doing the daily mission daily that is.

pick a fast recon, equip flares/cloack/both heals, lure any enemy ship near the path of the transport, drive them away or against police and turrets, cloack, microwarp to the cargo ship when its near the warpgate. This should take less than 15 minutes if you are a decent pilot.

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