open space game crashes in squads

There is yet an other issue i have to report here. This is an error which ooccures in open space while flying in sqads or wings. It is as said a sudden crash of game that is not triggered by any specific event as far i can say. When the game crashes you recieve this notification:


As always logs attatched (both logs are of members of the same squad):

 my own logs:

  before the crash:

[2017.01.16](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13025)

  after the crash (i don’t think you need them but you can never know):

[2017.01.16](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13026)

 Drblade777’s logs:

 before the crash:

[2017.01.16](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13026)

  after the crash:

[2017.01.16](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=13029)


I hope you guys find the issue because this is becoming a nuisance…

Thank you!


In what sector and server were you two in? Did you have Spatial Scanner equipped? What ships did you two use? Describe your situation a bit more clearly.

Koro it is all in the logs^^


  1. The sector was Base Ellydium in federations part of the universe (but i had it before in an other sector which i don’t remember

2.My ship was stingray and Drblade777 used Gargoyle

3.I didn’t have spatial scanner Drblade777 had one

4.we were on the same squad


1 hour ago, Koromac said:

In what sector and server were you two in? Did you have Spatial Scanner equipped? What ships did you two use? Describe your situation a bit more clearly.

What do we have a logs for!? It’s their job not ours. We do our part to report and gives logs. Do you wanna know what color underwear he wore at that time… It could be related to the bug too.


On 1/16/2017 at 9:13 PM, CptDoss said:

What do we have a logs for!? It’s their job not ours. We do our part to report and gives logs. Do you wanna know what color underwear he wore at that time… It could be related to the bug too.

You’re are correct. I got a feeling that most of my recent bug reports are just getting ignored. Terminating assistance…