Open Space Exclusives

There should totally be some unique to open space modules and weapons (and maybe even ships) that you can only obtain in Open Space. Nothing game breaking or super different from what we have. But just different enough to make players say “I’m definitely going to spend all week in open space to get that.”

Most of the ideas come from unique resources gathered in open space, or random events that happen naturally (but rarely).

Here’s a few of those ideas:

Ores: Iron, Chromium, Aluminum, Tungsten, Crystallid
Materials: Iron Plates, Ruby Cores, Aluminum Rods, Tungsten Ingots, Crystallid Growths

-Non-alloy Armor
Increases hull volume greatly at the expense of EM and Thermal resistance.
Crafted using “Iron Plates” found from collecting various ores.

-Unipulse Charge
Secondary weapon that fires a single laser pulse at the crosshairs for thermal damage.
Crafted using “Aluminum” and “Chromium” found from collecting various ores. First crafted in to “Ruby Core” then directly in to Unipulse Charge.

-Ruby Resonator
Ammo for thermal primary weapon that increases damage, but also makes weapons overheat faster.
Crafted using “Ruby Core”.

-Stabilized Weapon Platforms
Hull module that increases weapon range and projectile speed, and decreases spread, but reduces hull resistance to all damage.
Crafted using “Iron Plates” and “Aluminum Rods”.

-Tungsten Slugs
Ammo for kinetic primary weapon that decreases projectile speed and spread, but greatly increases damage and critical chance.
Crafted using “Tungsten Ingot”

-Crystallid Multiform Adapter
Passive Module for any slot that allows overflow self-heals to be passed to the nearest damaged ally at reduced efficiency. (If you heal when at full hull, the hull regen will slightly pass to nearest damaged ally.)
Crafted with “Crystalline Growths”

-Pirate Scanner
Passive CPU module that increases radar range and highlights pilots with 4+ filled cargo bays.
Dropped from pirates.

-Pirate Jumper
Active Module that leaves a stationary hologram behind while jumping you a distance backwards.
Dropped from pirates.

-Pirate Claw
Passive Module for any slot that increases container pickup speed by 100%.
Dropped from pirates.

-Pirate Blaster
A weak thermal primary weapon.
Dropped from pirates.

-Pirate Cannon
A weak kinetic primary weapon.
Dropped from pirates.

-Pirate Burner
A weak EM primary weapon.
Dropped from pirates.

-Pirate Missile Pod (items or blueprint)
Secondary weapon that fires quick thermal dumbfire rockets at the crosshairs. Many in clip with a crazy fast reload time, but low damage.
Dropped from pirates.

-Retroconverter Virus
Active Module that turns all nearby enemy structures in to small turrets for a short time.
Dropped from aliens and cybers.

-Fusor Missile
Secondary weapon that fires a high-tech homing missile that agily evades obstacles. Impact does very light Thermal damage but attaches an overloading Fusor module to the target’s hull that deals increasing thermal damage over time. If the enemy is destroyed while the Fusor is active, they detonate in a nuclear explosion that damages enemies.
Dropped from cybers.

-Static Charger
Active Module that charges the locked target. The charged target then deals pulses of EM damage to nearby allies and the affected allies can transmit to other allies, causing a chain of damage.
Dropped from cybers.

-Screaming Empire Afterburners
Passive Engine module that increases maximum and strafing speeds tremendously while afterburners are on. Greatly increases energy consumption. While afterburners are on, the ship makes a very loud and rough-sounding engine noise.
Dropped from cartel.

-Radiative Reactor Additive
Passive Capacitor module that increases energy regeneration greatly, but causes the ship to emit damaging radiation constantly.
Dropped from cartel. Illegal Reactor core materials that increase performance and put out “Nothing harmful; just low levels of gamma radiation.”

-Naberian Slug Exotoxin
Active Module that greatly increases all statistics of the ship for a short time, then does the opposite for slightly longer.
Dropped from cartel. “Definitely worth the crash AND the cash.”

-Tesla Plating
Passive Hull module that deals large EM damage to enemies or objects that touch the hull. Reduces energy regeneration speed very slightly and damage scales with the size of the user’s ship.
Dropped by pirates and cybers.

Honestly, no I already hate how they are forcing open space onto us, if we don’t want to spend real money… this whole random drop farming is just plain annoying.

Before they add any new OS only content, they should first fix this mess, that is open space.

21 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Honestly, no I already hate how they are forcing open space onto us, if we don’t want to spend real money… this whole random drop farming is just plain annoying.

Before they add any new OS only content, they should first fix this mess, that is open space.

Random drop farming in OS is terrible I agree and it needs to be spread to the other modes’ loot as well.

But some variation and uniqueness to drops would still be really nice.

Nobody is forcing you to use these modules, so I don’t see a problem with having them drop too very rarely. Just to reward players who play.

As an official representative of group 13, I find the spelling ‘Aluminum’ to be highly offensive. Please apologize to the Aluminium people.

13 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

As an official representative of group 13, I find the spelling ‘Aluminum’ to be highly offensive. Please apologize to the Aluminium people.

As an official representative of America, I find your request for apology offensive. Please apologize to the Aluminum people.