Open Space Adventures

I hope you had fun haha with the latest bug they arent really difficult to deal with lol

7 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

I hope you had fun haha with the latest bug they arent really difficult to deal with lol

True however had several instances where they were hitting me dead on very frequently. Got a love that r11 implant 

Meson is the answer to everything ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Why Meson Cannon for the destroyer? Are the alien AI ships vulnerable to themal damage?


Its the only weapon I use in OS because its damage output is the greatest out of all destroyer weapons at close range. Ai always love to get close to you, so its massive spread is somewhat irrelevant.

I want to join.

3 hours ago, AKmatiAK said:

I want to join.

Feel free to join lol