Only mercenary pack has artifact scanner?

Hi all, just saw this pop up on steam and looks interesting enough I’d be willing to buy one of the starter packs.  Was thinking of buying one of the larger ones, but only the cheapest pack seems to have the artifact scanner which “Grants an additional attempt when searching for loot after the battle.”.  I’ve a few questions about it.


  1. What exactly does this mean?  I’ve only played one game so far, but I didn’t see anything about searching for loot.

  2. Is it a one-time use item?

  3. If not, will this grant me as large an advantage as it sounds?  Or am I just getting a chance to reroll what I get?

  1. If your teams wins the fight you get to selection 5 (default) pieces of loot scattered around the maps, they are usually just junk that is automatically sold for credits but can be weapons or modules as well. For scenarios you get loot even if you lose but you get more the further you get.

  2. No, the item will stick with you forever I think.

  3. It is indeed only listed on the small one which is odd but it is part of the larger ones as well. A friend of mine bought the most expensive pack and he can now scan 6 times instead of the regular 5.

You can loot upon Victory. Usually you have 3 attemps. With License you can loot up to 5 times. The Artefact scanner grants you 1 additional attempt upon looting. It is a permanent Bonus.


It is only in the 1st DLC Pack. I do own the 2 big ones and only have 5 attempts.

A question, does the warehouse “size” stack of each dlc, and where can i see the maximum of items i can do store?

maxed warehouse is 900. Look for my items in warehouse to find your goods

Where i can find my toys i know^^


What i dont know where i can see how many space i have left


And what i would like to know if the sizes of each dlc warehouse stacks, aka do i get a larger warehouse when i own the explorer and the mercenary pack then just the mercenary pack?


Im playing with the thought getting the explorer pack for the scanner

Where i can find my toys i know^^


What i dont know where i can see how many space i have left


And what i would like to know if the sizes of each dlc warehouse stacks, aka do i get a larger warehouse when i own the explorer and the mercenary pack then just the mercenary pack?


Im playing with the thought getting the explorer pack for the scanner

If you go to the equipment screen you can see warehouse usage at the bottom of the buy/equipment menu. Bit odd how it isnt in the Warehouse. You can also buy more storage there, seem to be 5000 credits for 25 slots, price might go up later but that’s it for the three first upgrades at least.

Every kind of item takes 1 unti. You can get 1000 pieces of it and they only take 1 slot. :wink:


Got 1k of holiday firework for t2 and t3 ^^

Ahhh thank you :slight_smile: