Only 2 Game Modes

There’s probably demand for ability to choose preferred game mode in lobby. But with so many different ones in Star Conflict, waiting times could end up being very high. Alternative is to cut down game mode down to 2 and you can choose one of them when hitting Launch in PVP battle.


So here’s a poll:


  • Which 2 game modes you want kept? or

  • Keep things the way they are


Fun poll nothing serious …

Would have voted for more game modes, not less, if you had the option. Picked things to stay as they are as the second best.

Everything except combat recon at the moment. Too much impenetrable frigwalls in CR. Everything else is playable and more often than not fun.


Didn’t vote since options are limited to two.

Yeah kine I think you may have misunderstood my post, all i want are options, not more restrictions or limitations. 

On one side more options and modes would do nice. On the other, TOO MUCH BACON… This is getting boring. 3 modes are only beacons, and there’s only CR and Deto. Add Abandoned Outpost which supports only 2 beacon modes.

More game modes would always be nice… but the poll is a What If type scenario


Say preferred game mode will be a feature but you’re limited to 2 … what would be your top choices kinda thing.


Personally I would prefer if Beacon Hunt and Combat Recon ceased to exist.


Focus on a single objective / chokepoint bogs the game down. Have you seen a Nuke + Guided Torp spam properly done in Hunt ? You’d quit playing objectives and rack up on kills / synergy instead it’s that sad.


Combat Recon has it’s own character and brings something unique to SCon (atleast for me) but games drawn out to time is soo common because it’s too easy to ball up and be effective. Unless they change Combat Recon into realistic mode… Then maybe.

More game modes would always be nice… but the poll is a What If type scenario


Say preferred game mode will be a feature but you’re limited to 2 … what would be your top choices kinda thing.

Realistic Domination + Detonation

Why I’m against mode selection is not wait times btw, but because the game will gravitate towards cookie cutter setups built specifically for that mode. Which in a competitive environment is fine, but not in progression battles.

And I’m against only 2 modes because it’s boring. :wink:

Realistic Domination + Detonation


… but because the game will gravitate towards cookie cutter setups built specifically for that mode.


Fair point …

Where is the “realistic + combat recon” option?

6th one down …

I’ve always liked combat recon. If your team is good enough, your captain won’t die in the hands of a lone covert ops. Detonation as well, because if you have one station left, everything gets crazy.

There are definitely game modes I do not like; however, I would not remove content from the game. Otherwise it’s going to get extremely freaking boring doing the same 2 fights.

I’ve always liked combat recon. If your team is good enough, your captain won’t die in the hands of a lone covert ops. Detonation as well, because if you have one station left, everything gets crazy.

If your team is good, your captain will not die. No other words need to be added to the end.


And if both teams are good, nothing will die. This is very visible at T5, where the only people to ever get killed are the clueless rushers or people who get bored of waiting. Everyone else just sits back and trades damage.

Hence [this](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20963-new-game-mode-realistic-combat-reconnaissance/)


Assuming heals got pared down adequately … sustained damage ‘should’ translate to deaths once in awhile. But if Recon remains arcade, it’ll always gonna end up in stalemates even between decently knowledgeable random teams.


There are definitely game modes I do not like; however, I would not remove content from the game. Otherwise it’s going to get extremely freaking boring doing the same 2 fights.


I’d like to hope that variety in maps and more of them will make up for it somewhat. Maybe maps could be different enough to cause different fits to play better on different maps even in the same game mode. But that’s just hoping for too much rawr.

I really see your point to improve MM.

But instead of limiting the game modes you should try to get more player.


The MM would work if there were/are enough player.

If there are enough player also the tier would be splitted - if I got it correctly.


And at least my Corp (Rage) would prefer to see more game modes instead of less.


I hope this game mode limit will never reach its release

if anything a player should have the ability to veto one or two game modes, so matchmaking will pass them over if trying ti fill up that game mode.   I had a run of like 10 or 12 combat recons/emp bomb matches in a row while i was trying to do “capture x beacons” contracts. 

ALL Realistic.



Seeing this… I kinda miss Kine, he was a nice guy. 


Realistic ftw. its the best. 

Yeah, I’m missing Kine too.  :sad: