One-way warp gate in terramorphing station

There is warp gate in Terramorphing Station in Jericho sector that lead to Abadoned Outpost, but its not usable


You can access Abadoned Outpost from Solaris Wasteland and then jump to Terramorphing Station just fine, even if there is no linked route marked on map.

Have you asked anyone else if they can use it or not? I don’t remember if it works for me or not. I’ll try it later.

Have you asked anyone else if they can use it or not? I don’t remember if it works for me or not. I’ll try it later.

Yes, my corpmates cant jump in that direction as well. From the other side to Terrastation yes, from terrastation to abadoned complex no.

Remove the gates linking both positions will solve this problem nicely. 

There is warp gate in Terramorphing Station in Jericho sector that lead to Abadoned Outpost, but its not usable


You can access Abadoned Outpost from Solaris Wasteland and then jump to Terramorphing Station just fine, even if there is no linked route marked on map.


I can definitely confirm this. I got the same problem. This needs to get fixed ASAP.

Recently I’ve had jumps failed.  Repeated attempts can get success so it’s not the gate not working, it’s the server not letting you jump.  It really sucks when you’re trying to GTFO and heal.

Has anyone succeeded in using that gate?

Has anyone succeeded in using that gate?


I tried, but always failed. I think it’s probably bugged.

All… look at your Galaxy Map… on it you will see different types of lines from sector to sector.

Some are one way lines, others are both ways.

The gate you discribe is a one way.

There are others like it also.   Some sectors have a direct gate back to Mendez Station yet you have to get to the sector via four or five gates.

Its not a bug.   The Galaxy Map indicates the direction of travel of each gate.

Dont assume a gate is bi-directional.   Review your path and waypoints before Launch and map out your paths there and home again.

All… look at your Galaxy Map… on it you will see different types of lines from sector to sector.

Some are one way lines, others are both ways.

The gate you discribe is a one way.

There are others like it also.   Some sectors have a direct gate back to Mendez Station yet you have to get to the sector via four or five gates.

Its not a bug.   The Galaxy Map indicates the direction of travel of each gate.

Dont assume a gate is bi-directional.   Review your path and waypoints before Launch and map out your paths there and home again.


Did you even read OPs date? I mean, it’s 1 year old, a lot has changed since then. Don’t go all smart about it, because it was actually bugged back then.

I wasn’t going all smart about it.

And post dates don’t mean much to me.

As a RL Developer I know that some bugs can hang around in logic for years and can be a bane to trigger in debugging them due to the exact nature of a piece of data that is rarely met that causes the bug to occur.


I also know that there are a lot of users that just shoot and do dogfights and treat this application as a console video game and not ever really sit and examine some if its features.


I was just pointing out the feature on the Galaxy Map to anyone that didn’t already know the lines exist.  

They are small and on some screens barely visible.  

On my laptop;LCD screen for example, I can just barely see them.    

When the laptop is docked and Im using multiple displays, the lines are prominent on the larger dock display. 


New users to the forum would be reading post regardless of the post date.


If the issue was resolved as you stated, why didnt Development or Support post a final Resolution and lock the thread?

I would of.  Its part of an Application’s Life Cycle in the development area.

If the issue was resolved as you stated, why didnt Development or Support post a final Resolution and lock the thread?

I would of.  Its part of an Application’s Life Cycle in the development area.


Back in the day we were 2 guys (Rakza and me) closing the threads with fixed bugs or sending the threads with proper bug reports to the admins, now the one in charge is one of the CMs, and I guess he’s only doing that on new threads, not the very old ones.