On the forums, what is the difference between a warning point and a violation?

Topic says it all, really. 

I currently have 3 warning points, but they don’t seem to have the implications of a violation, hence my curiosity. Are they violations? if they are not violations, what does a violation point look like?

How many warning points equals a violation? etc…

I’d put this in another section, but I don’t really know where I’d set it. 

On the topic of violations:


Are in game GM’s allowed to discuss a pilots account details with anyone OUTSIDE of the moderation/administration Team ?


Are they allowed to tell someone, who is not part of the moderation/admin teams how many “complaints” an account/pilot has recently ?


If they are allowed, (or are not allowed and do discuss details of someones account), is this not a violation of some ones privacy ?

You should PM Error with your questions directly.

You should PM Error with your questions directly.



 I did, he replied promptly.

Topic says it all, really. 

I currently have 3 warning points, but they don’t seem to have the implications of a violation, hence my curiosity. Are they violations? if they are not violations, what does a violation point look like?

How many warning points equals a violation? etc…

I’d put this in another section, but I don’t really know where I’d set it. 


Warning point are attributed when you break a rule (a violation). Having too many warning point will eventually put your account in moderating queue where your post have to be approved before being posted. Warning point are removed after a period of time.


Every thing is explained here [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/)

Warning point are attributed when you break a rule (a violation). Having too many warning point will eventually put your account in moderating queue where your post have to be approved before being posted. Warning point are removed after a period of time.


Every thing is explained here [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/)

in this rule set, there is nothing on points expiration period.

It even mention downvotes, that been removed from forums looooooooong time ago

Every thing is explained here [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18970-forum-rules/)


To be honest, a lot of those rules are somewhat vague in their wording about the violations themselves. Might I suggest updating the language used?

It looks like some rules should even be added in within the near future, with others updated or removed. I can’t seem to understand some important parts just from reading that thread.


I’d like to know more about how long it takes for a warning/violation point to expire. 

To be honest, a lot of those rules are somewhat vague in their wording about the violations themselves. Might I suggest updating the language used?

It looks like some rules should even be added in within the near future, with others updated or removed. I can’t seem to understand some important parts just from reading that thread.


I’d like to know more about how long it takes for a warning/violation point to expire. 


If you want further explication, you should contact an administrator of the board (Error) and ask him directly.

If you want further explication, you should contact an administrator of the board (Error) and ask him directly.

while I am well and able to do that, it’d defeat the entire point. 

Instead I will contact him and simply give him a link to this thread as the basis of the conversation.

Such things are best remained unhidden, after-all. 

while I am well and able to do that, it’d defeat the entire point. 

Instead I will contact him and simply give him a link to this thread as the basis of the conversation.

Such things are best remained unhidden, after-all. 


Are you suggesting a new pinned thread that would explain in details how warning points work so the whole forum user base can see it ? If its what you would like, I could forward your request since I like that suggestion.

That would be perfect. :slight_smile:

Though more things can be added, if you feel that there is anything else that needs updating. 

speaking of which, everyone congratulate Error on his 404th like!

Are you suggesting a new pinned thread that would explain in details how warning points work so the whole forum user base can see it ? If its what you would like, I could forward your request since I like that suggestion.

dont forget to update your rule sets and forward them to all GMs so everyone on the same page

That would be perfect. :slight_smile:

Though more things can be added, if you feel that there is anything else that needs updating. 

speaking of which, everyone congratulate Error on his 404th like!
