Official Touhou Thread

So this is the Touhou thread. No, it’s not a derivative of the anime thread (if there is an anime thread), as Touhou is mostly games with fanmade OVAs.



Post away pictures, videos, and other stuff.




Oh, and don’t forget to donate.


She’s always watching, you know, so follow the forum rules (and also, please don’t ruin this thread)

Well, I might as well try something… Touhou vs Exceed - Thoughts?

I’ll just leave these here: 


3.1. The forum prohibits: profanity, personal insults of forum members, rudeness, vulgarity, drug propaganda, political and religious agitation and propaganda, all manifestations of Nazism and racist statements, calls to overthrow the government by force, incitement of ethnic hatred, humiliation of dignity of persons of either gender, sexual orientation, religion, and all the actions pursued by international law and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Video removed.

3.1. The forum prohibits: profanity, personal insults of forum members, rudeness, vulgarity, drug propaganda, political and religious agitation and propaganda, all manifestations of Nazism and racist statements, calls to overthrow the government by force, incitement of ethnic hatred, humiliation of dignity of persons of either gender, sexual orientation, religion, and all the actions pursued by international law and the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Video removed.

and I would not want to know who would want to break such rules and why…

But, I will quote myself.



She’s always watching, you know, so follow the forum rules (and also, please don’t ruin this thread)

Hm, I’d like to see a Touhou game with this kind of crossover~



Am I the only one who has no idea what touhou is?  It just makes me think of this stuff:



Am I the only one who has no idea what touhou is?  It just makes me think of this stuff:





hold on, funny related image incoming…



Hm, I’d like to see a Touhou game with this kind of crossover~



well ain’t she a cute lil vampy-pie?

also… what in holy [biomorph]-ing [cyber]?!


Took me forever to find it, but here:

Took me forever to find it, but here:

So cute…

Welp. This thread died off.

But Hey, Im working on a fanfic! Yay?

leaving this here…



Made a myon, kinda.
