[OD]Ships in structure

I’m… not sure where to post this, so I’ll try here, maybe…


huh… so we just had a Recon match, today… And, huh… Our Captain was INSIDE the structure the whole time… I’ve no idea how that happened, but that was annoying as everything… Even to my team because we were trying to kill him.



[2013.07.03 20.45.13.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6306)



So right now I rather think that the collision detection is fucked up. Thats a Cerberus Fragate i guess. The Cerby has some minor collsion box glitches and it looks like no Object is safe from any Ship anymore…



So right now I rather think that the collision detection is fucked up. Thats a Cerberus Fragate i guess. The Cerby has some minor collsion box glitches and it looks like no Object is safe from any Ship anymore…

Huh, yes, a Hydra, if I’m not mistaken.

Umm i used goolge tranlsate on everything GoodLucker1 said.  :slight_smile:

He said that he is stuck and he can’t get out.